Wonder Woman Is Bisexual, According To DC Comics Writer

With just a few months left before the release of the DCEU's first Wonder Woman movie, there's understandably renewed interest in the iconic DC Comics character. And thanks to Eisner-winning comic book writer Greg Rucka, we now have confirmation about about one aspect of Wonder Woman's personal life.

During an interview with Comicosity, Rucka revealed that Princess Diana of Themyscira (a lush Amazonian island) has "obviously" had romantic relationships with other women. Of course, if you know Wonder Woman's backstory, you realize it's all a little more complicated than that. The population of Themyscira is comprised entirely of women, and although she does eventually find a love interest in military man Steve Trevor, Rucka noted that sexuality–especially when it comes to this particular fictional character–should not be a defining characteristic.

Here's Rucka's explanation:

"This is inherently the problem with Diana: we've had a long history of people–for a variety of reasons, including sometimes pure titillation, which I think is the worst reason–say, "Oooh. Look. It's the Amazons. They're gay!" And when you start to think about giving the concept of Themyscira its due, the answer is, 'How can they not all be in same-sex relationships?' Right? It makes no logical sense otherwise. It's supposed to be paradise. You're supposed to be able to live happily. You're supposed to be able–in a context where one can live happily, and part of what an individual needs for that happiness is to have a partner–to have a fulfilling, romantic, and sexual relationship. And the only options are women. But an Amazon doesn't look at another Amazon and say, 'You're gay.' They don't. The concept doesn't exist."

Rucka said he and comic book artist Nicola Scott had to be clear on the subject before collaborating on this year's Wonder Woman: Rebirth.

"Are we saying Diana has been in love and had relationships with other women? As Nicola and I approach it, the answer is obviously yes."

He also explained that it's important that Diana isn't strictly heterosexual because it would've been misconstrued when she decides to leave Themyscira with Steve Trevor in the comics.

"It needs to be [that she's bisexual] for a number of reasons. But perhaps foremost among them is, if no, then she leaves paradise only because of a potential romantic relationship with Steve. And that diminishes her character. It would hurt the character and take away her heroism. When we talk about agency of characters in 2016, Diana deciding to leave her home forever–which is what she believes she's doing–if she does that because she's fallen for a guy, I believe that diminishes her heroism. She doesn't leave because of Steve. She leaves because she wants to see the world and somebody must go and do this thing. And she has resolved it must be her to make this sacrifice."

It's not clear if Rucka's thoughts on the matter coincide with those of everyone else at DC Comics, and it's uncertain how the Warner Bros. movie will handle Diana's sexuality, if at all. We'll find out when the film hits theaters June 2, 2017. Check out the official synopsis and take a look back at Wonder Woman's often complex history.