Doctor Who Season 10 Trailer Reveals The Gateway To Everything

A new TV spot for the tenth season of Doctor Who hints that it's the beginning of the end for one Doctor, which means it'll set up the beginning of the beginning for the next.

BBC America unveiled the teaser titled "Robots. Rivals. Regeneration?," and it's brimming with quick action shots and a little exposition of what's to come. It'll be the final season for Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor, and he's showing the ropes to his new companion Bill Potts, played by newcomer Pearl Mackie.

"This is the gateway to everything that ever was, or ever can be," says the Doctor, to his new pal. But Bill seems a little overwhelmed when presented that information, as you probably would be, too.

Although it's yet to be seen how fans will take to Bill, we know she'll be a groundbreaking character in the history of the series. She'll be the Doctor's first openly gay companion, something that Mackie said shouldn't be all that big of a deal. "[Being gay] is not the main thing that defines her character," she said. "It's something that's part of her and something that she's very happy and very comfortable with."

Season 10 will also be the last for showrunner Steven Moffat, who will be replaced by Chris Chibnall in season 11.

But before that, the upcoming season premieres April 15. Until then, take a look at the untold truth of Doctor Who.