Tom Holland Went Undercover At A Brooklyn School To Prep For Spider-Man: Homecoming

Tom Holland apparently has little trouble keeping his alter ego a secret.

The British actor plays Peter Parker/Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and to prepare for his role in Spider-Man: Homecoming, the studio wanted him to see what it's like to be a regular American kid. He told Collider that Marvel sent him to a school in the Bronx where he had a fake name and used an American accent.

"I went for like three days," Holland said. "I basically had to go to this science school and blend in with all the kids, and some of the teachers didn't even know. It was a science school, and I am in no way a science student. [Laughs.] Some of the teachers would call me up in front of the class and try to get me to do science equations and stuff, it was so embarrassing. But it was actually really informative because schools in London are so different. I would go to school every day in a suit and tie, with just boys. To be in a school where you can be free and let loose, and be with girls, it was so different. Like so different. But yeah, it was a really great experience."

Holland said nobody ever figured out who he really is. "Nobody knew," he said. "I actually have videos on my phone of me interviewing people, and asking them what they thought of the new Spider-Man in [Captain America: Civil War]. They were like, "Oh he's great, I love him," and then some people were like, "Nah, I don't love him, he's not great. And I was standing right in front of them! [Laughs.] But yeah, no, it was fun. It was really fun."

So far, it looks like it paid off. From the trailers, Holland appears to be every bit the bored high school student in Homecoming. But it'll probably be much harder for him to blend in once the movie hits theaters July 6. While we wait, check out some hidden details you missed in the first trailer.