Todd McFarlane Says The Spawn Reboot Is A Lot Like Jaws

The creator of Spawn says he has a distinct vision for the upcoming live-action reboot, and it will have something in common with Steven Spielberg's 1975 classic Jaws.

Todd McFarlane recently told that the movie won't be told from Spawn's point of view, sort of how Jaws doesn't exactly tell the origin story of the killer shark.

"There's two big roles in the script," McFarlane said. "There's obviously sort of Spawn himself, although in a weird way, it's not the biggest role. And then there's the cop. The cop is this character Twitch who's been there since issue #1. Twitch is the role in this one, and I sort of refer to him as my Sheriff Brody, who is the sheriff in the Jaws movie. Although it was called Jaws, Jaws didn't really talk a lot in his movie, right? He just kind of showed up at the opportune time to make the movie worthwhile."

McFarlane said that Spawn will obviously be a significant part of the flick, but just like with Jaws, we'll encounter him from the perspective of a regular person. "It was sheriff Brody, the humans talking, chasing the fantastical thing that sort of made the movie, and to me, there's that element," McFarlane said. "Everything else is normal in this story other than the shadow moves, and at times even when it moves, the cop just sort of thinks he's losing his mind, so he doesn't even trust that the shadow's moving. If you're a bad guy, then this thing is going to come and it's going to get you."

Last summer, McFarlane said that the reboot will have a "dark, R-rated, scary, badass sort of script" and that the movie will be more realistic than director Mark A.Z. Dippe's 1997 adaptation. "The world's going to be real, except for one thing that's going to move," he says. "You're never going to see a dude in a rubber suit."

As for the cast, McFarlane remains quiet on that front. But he hinted that some Oscar-winning talent has expressed interest. 

Meanwhile, take a look at more future remakes that will blow everyone away.