Here's Where You Can Stream Every Episode The Original Rurouni Kenshin
The Japanese manga series "Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Swordsman Romantic Story," inspired by a tragic real-life samurai, has steadily gained new fans every year since its release in 1994. Written and illustrated by Nobuhiro Watsuki, the manga told the story of a former assassin named Himura Kenshin who protects the people of Japan in 1878 with a strict no-killing vow.
While the manga had a total of 28 volumes until its run ended in 1999, the story did not end there, as it continued on in live-action films, video games, and most notably, in an anime that garnered its own series of fans.
While the live action films have continued on, the anime ended in 1998. Its popularity, however, has led to a revival, announced to be coming in 2023 (via Anime News Network). While few details have been released about the revived series, the announcement has led to a renewed interest for fans and new viewers alike to watch — or rewatch — the original anime. If that is your goal, here's where you can stream every episode of the original "Rurouni Kenshin."
Hulu is the best option to see most of the show
The best way to see "Rurouni Kenshin" is currently via Hulu. The show's first season is available on the animation streaming platforms Funimation Now and Crunchyroll, as well as VRV, all of which fall under the same parent company umbrella. It's also available on Hulu, all of which carry the entirety of the 28-episode first season.
The second season, however, is only available on Hulu — and to make matters a bit trickier, not all of it is on the streaming platform. Of the 35 episodes that comprise the show's second season, only 13 are available on Hulu, with the rest not currently on any streaming platform. The entirety of the third season's 33 episodes, however, are available on Hulu.
As of the writing of this article, none of the seasons of "Rurouni Kenshin" are available for digital purchase on any platforms. DVDs of the show's three seasons, however, are available on platforms such as Amazon. The movie continuation, as well as the Original Video Animation continuations, are not currently available on any streaming platform. The live-action movies, however, are available on Funimation and Netflix.