Harrison Ford Shuts Down The Han Solo Vs Indiana Jones Debate Once And For All

Harrison Ford has never been the sort of guy to suffer fools gladly. The actor has a record of being pretty blunt when assessing everything from the notion of him winning an Oscar to his career missteps. He's a guy who's never shied away from telling the press exactly what he thinks of playing Han Solo, Indiana Jones, or any of the men he's made famous on screens worldwide. And whatever you do, don't ask him what he thinks about Han shooting first in "Star Wars: A New Hope"; he's bluntly said in interviews that he doesn't care.

Not that fans of the actor have ever been shy about debating about such matters between themselves. They also wonder what would happen if his characters decided to throw down, mano a mano. It turns out Ford has an opinion about the notion of a battle between Indy and Han — and he thinks that the notion of such a fight is ridiculous. 

Asked by Esquire Magazine in May 2023 what sort of questions intensely devoted Star Wars fans tend to ask him, Ford said that they ask him questions such as, "'If there was a fight between Han Solo and Indiana Jones, who would f****' win?' And I say [voice rising, fingers drumming], 'Me, a******! I don't want to f****** make s*** up like that. I mean, what are you asking me that crap for?' "

Harrison Ford values his honesty - and does not shy away from four letter words

Harrison Ford has a very long history of blunt honesty with interviewers, and his bemused feelings about the state of "Star Wars" fandom at large is legendary at this point in time. His irascible irreverence has given us dozens of unforgettable moments scattered across movies and interviews throughout the years. 

Aside from his total honesty in subject matter, he also has a tendency to lean on a certain four-letter word in his one-on-ones. In fact, his May 2023 Esquire interview is absolutely another example of his many forays into truthfulness — and verbal saltiness — with members of the media. During the Esquire interview, he mentions a February 2023 piece for The Hollywood Reporter, which upset his wife Calista Flockhart due to the profile's reliance on expletives. 

He goes on to explain his salty choice of words. "Me and the writer were sitting on folding chairs in a horse stall. It didn't feel like a formal enough atmosphere to have to clean up my language," he said. "And they printed every single f***."

You can catch Harrison Ford using much cleaner language in the allegedly-final Indiana Jones film, "Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny," on June 30. He's also a regular in Apple TV+'s "Shrinking," which just wrapped its first season.