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Who Is Across The Spider-Verse's Steampunk Spider-Woman And What Can She Do?

Contains spoilers for "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse"

"Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse" is the definition of more is more. From art styles to universes, from Spider-people to eccentric threats, the movie goes all in and attacks on all fronts — to the point that many characters who in most movies would appear in a starring role are relegated to cameo status simply because the movie's so full of everything.

One of the many fascinating Spider-folks who appear in the movie as part of the Spider-Society is the peculiar lady who wears a steampunk-themed aviator suit instead of a traditional Spidey outfit and wears large mechanical spider-legs on her back. She's one of the members of the group that chases Miles Morales (Shameik Moore), and her design makes her stand out pretty easily. As you'd expect, her backstory is also somewhat different from your average spider-themed superhero. She's Maybelle "Lady Spider" Reilly from Earth-803, and this is her story.

Lady Spider is an inventor and a vigilante

Though Maybelle Reilly was bitten by a spider just like any other spider-themed hero worth their salt, her bite doesn't actually give her any superpowers. Instead, the bite of the captive arachnid teaches her that living things shouldn't be caged, and she goes on to live according to that creed. 

May goes on to design and build a mechanical, spider-leg-themed contraption to act as a vigilante adventurer, arms herself with steampunk-style web-shooters, and fights crime as Lady Spider. Though her supersuit gives her considerable powers in her universe and she's no doubt an engineering genius, the fact that Earth-803 is living in the late 19th century means that her technology isn't quite as advanced as that of some other Spider-people. While she's every bit as heroic as any other Spider-person out there, her anachronistic appearance pairs with her manner of speech, which tends to be somewhat more formal than you'd expect from a member of the Spider-Society.

"Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse" is out in theaters.