The Sandman: What Are Desire's Powers?

Few fictional universes are as complex and nuanced as Neil Gaiman's "The Sandman." A world that interweaves between connected universes and regularly layers one level of reality on top of another, the series is also home to many characters who are difficult to define in their own right.

The Endless are seven god-like creatures who have existed since the beginning of the universe, and they have a long, complicated history as a sort of family unit. While viewers primarily follow Dream (Tom Sturridge), other Endless, like Death (Kirby Howell-Baptiste) and Desire (Mason Alexander Park), regularly appear throughout the events of the series.

While Desire might be the most antagonistic of the family toward Dream, the latter still shows them the utmost respect, even in light of their constant betrayals and dangerous games. In fact, Dream typically refers to Desire by the gender-neutral "sibling" rather than brother or sister, as he generally calls the other Endless. In terms of abilities and general characteristics, Desire is more or less ageless and immortal, just like Dream. Furthermore, they wield control over the most flippant aspects of every creature in the universe and can trick people into easily doing their bidding as a result.

Desire is a master manipulator and a powerful sorcerer

However, what makes Desire truly formidable, especially as an enemy, is that they have next to none of the traditional aspects of their siblings, like loyalty or empathy. Instead, they follow the whims of their heart and allow the emotions behind their name to lead them wherever they may. As mentioned above, their nature also gives them the power to help steer others in the direction "The Sandman" character wants them to go. This is why it took Dream so long to figure out that Desire was behind all of the grand machinations of Season 1, especially the creation of Rose Walker (Vanesu Samunyai), the dream vortex.

Aside from this, like some of the other Endless, Desire can also shapeshift. While they generally appear as a beautiful androgynous entity that appeals to the desires of all, they have been known to alter their appearance when a situation calls for it. Also, as with Dream's ability to use The Dreaming to travel, Desire can teleport herself to anywhere that someone is feeling intense emotions, allowing them to pretty much travel the universe as they see fit.

Still, it's ultimately how little Desire cares about the havoc that they wreak that makes them such a frightening character in "The Sandman." Everyone has had those moments in life that push them so close to the edge, and a character like Desire exists just to give you that last little push and send you plunging into the depths below.