Talk To Me 2: The Creators Tease Their Secret Weapon For A Possible Sequel

A24's "Talk to Me" is creeping out critics in the best way, promising to be one of the year's best horror movies. The movie focuses on a group of teenagers who learn to connect with spirits through an embalmed hand, getting hooked on the thrill before ultimately taking things too far. "Talk to Me" hasn't even reached its release date yet, but the idea of a sequel is already out there. Thankfully, directors Danny and Michael Philippou came prepared with a secret weapon if a sequel were to happen.

"Even down to the writing on the hand. There's a lore and a story and a deep mythology," Danny Philippou told Collider. "Everything's really thought out and put through a mythology hopefully we can expand on if we were able to do a sequel. But yeah, we wanted the characters to be out of their depths. We didn't explore it that much, so we just sort of hinted at it with the characters. But yes, everything's ironed out and there's a whole big bible. It's called the mythology bible. So we've got that."

"Talk to Me" is clearly a passion project for the Philippou brothers, as not many directors would go to lengths to build the lore surrounding their project. Their hard work seems to have paid off, leaving many wondering how two YouTubers made the scariest movie of the year.

Danny and Michael Philippou didn't know how the movie industry works

It's not every day that you see YouTubers transition from internet videos to feature films, especially not one as highly praised as "Talk to Me." Danny and Michael Philippou knew getting their ideas on the big screen would be an uphill battle, and that journey started long ago.

In January 2019, Danny Philippou posted to Instagram, revealing he had finished writing his first horror film, "Talk to Me." The next step was finding a producer to fund the project, which Philippou reflected on during their Collider interview. The brothers took an unconventional approach to finding a producer, pitching their screenplays directly to studios. "Causeway [Films] responded and that was the big first step," Danny said. "They guided us and let us know how to — because I'd already reached out to some studios and I said, 'I've got a script,' and they're like, 'This is not how you approach people,' and I was like, 'Oh.' [Laughs]"

Causeway wasn't the first studio to take an interest in "Talk to Me," but the Philippous chose them so they'd have more creative control of their dream project. Thankfully, it looks like they made the correct decision. After premiering at Sundance, "Talk to Me" is gearing up for a worldwide release this July, quickly becoming a must-watch for horror fans. And with talks of a sequel floating around, there could be many more "Talk to Me" projects in the future.