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The Terminal List S1: How Many Episodes Are There?

Season 1 of Amazon Prime Video's original Navy SEAL action series "The Terminal List" premiered in its entirety on July 1, 2022. The show stars Chris Pratt as James Reece, who finds himself at the heart of a military conspiracy when he comes home from witnessing some of his closest companions killed during a mission in Syria and learns that official reports explicitly contradict his personal experience.

In total, Season 1 is eight episodes in length. The series was a big enough success, however, that "The Terminal List" Season 2 and a spin-off are both on their way. While Pratt will star once again in the upcoming second season, the spin-off will take place prior to the events of its progenitor and revolve around Taylor Kitsch's character Ben Edwards.

This upcoming season should help clarify some confusing moments from "The Terminal List" including the backstories of important side characters like Katie Buranek (Constance Wu). For now, those interested in "The Terminal List" can find all eight episodes of Season 1 on Amazon Prime Video.

The Terminal List is a labor of love for Chris Pratt

Beyond just starring in "The Terminal List," series lead Chris Pratt executive produces too. In an interview with Collider, Pratt discussed just why "The Terminal List" is so important to him and what inspired him to bring its story to life.

"There were a multitude of draws for me that were emotionally driven, relationally driven, practically driven, and career driven," he said. "I wanted to produce something. I wanted to take something that was a book and turn it into something that lived on screen, and be a part of every single aspect, every step along the way. That was a challenge, and something I'd never done before."

He then went on to cite his desire to film in Los Angeles as well as involve his real-life friend and ex-Navy SEAL Jared Shaw in a project as additional reasons for his work on "The Terminal List." Shaw, notably, was Pratt's roommate during the time he first read the show's literary source material.

The eight-episode first season of "The Terminal List," then, is the realization of what appears to have been a genuine passion project for Pratt. Of course, with a sequel and spin-off both on their way, his Amazon action series is set to grow quite a bit bigger in the near future.