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The Tower: How Many Episodes Are In Season 2?

Are you a fan of police procedurals with a British bent? Then "The Tower" needs to be on your watchlist.

The first series debuted on ITV in 2021 and followed Sarah Collins (Gemma Whelan) as she investigates several deaths linked by a witness who mysteriously disappears. There were only three episodes in that first batch, making for engaging television that wrapped up fairly quickly. But for anyone wanting to see more of Collins and the DSI department, a second series debuted earlier in 2023 on BritBox. Before committing, it's only natural to ask how many episodes in Season 2 of "The Tower."

BritBox is a digital video subscription service home to many great suspenseful dramas, including "The Tower," the second season of which goes by "The Tower 2: Death Message." Season 2 premiered on the platform on May 16, with three more episodes following weekly. That means all four episodes of the second series are presently available for viewers to binge-watch or spread out over a long weekend. It's an incredibly dramatic show that could require some breathers to take everything in.

The Tower Season 2 picks up right where Season 1 left off

"The Tower 2: Death Message" has a more expansive plot than its predecessor. The first season had three episodes spanning roughly two hours where Sarah Collins is focused on a singular case. This time around, Collins has two cases to deal with, all while managing fellow officer Adama (Tahirah Sharif). Emotions still run raw after the first season's events, and this series takes place only a couple of months after Season 1. They're on opposite sides of this new case, but they'll have to work together to figure out what went down.

Season 2 clocks in at roughly three hours, so binge-watching all four episodes plays out like viewing a long movie. The show certainly has its fans; as Julian Lytle of Geek Girl Riot wrote, "The show is very sobering and builds to its climaxes amazingly and fulfilling. While the series ends in a way that you expect there to be another series, it still feels like a complete story." And BritBox has plenty of other great programs in case you're interested in checking out other British media.

"The Tower 2: Death Message" should remind viewers of other procedurals, like "Law & Order: SVU," but with only seven episodes total so far, it's definitely not as much of a commitment.