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Extraction 2's Tkachiri Prison May Not Be Real, But Its Georgia Setting Is Right On The Mark

Contains spoilers for "Extraction 2"

"Extraction 2" sees Tyler Rake (Chris Hemsworth) embark on a dangerous mission to save his ex-wife's sister and her children from a dangerous correctional facility. Located in Georgia, the Tkachiri Prison is home to some of the country's most dangerous criminals, so the mercenary has to get past swarms of inmates before he can even dream of getting the family to safety. This paves the way for a dazzling 21-minute action sequence that terrified Hemsworth to film; however, it also references one of the most brutal prison locations on the planet.

The Tkachiri Prison isn't a real place, but the Georgian setting seems deliberate as the country is known for harboring some rough penitentiaries. However, none are more infamous than the Gldani prison, which the Georgia Journal describes as the world's fourth most dangerous clink. While it's just a generally grim place, this prison also has a history of recruiting guards who are more sadistic than some of the inmates, and it was once the subject of a well-documented scandal.

The Gldani prison was at the center of a political scandal

The Gldani prison made headlines in 2012 when several videos showing guards taunting, torturing, and abusing the inmates came to light. The atrocities inflicted on the prisoners were varied and brutal, but thanks to a whistleblower releasing the tapes, people became aware of the situation. The scandal ultimately exposed some of the human rights violations and cruelty within the prison system at the time, resulting in the government taking action.

According to the BBC, the footage that was released to the public inspired nationwide protests. As such, then president Mikhail Saakashvili responded by suspending all the prison staff in the country, with police being deployed to the penitentiaries to make up the numbers. Furthermore, David Chakua, the Chairman of the Penitentiary Department at the time, was fired from his position.

"Extraction 2" doesn't spend much time focusing on the treatment of the inmates in the fictional Tkachiri facility. That said, the fact that it takes place in a country that's known for harsh prison environments lends further credence to the notion that Tyler Rake is forced to infiltrate a brutal place.