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Marvel's The Avengers Team-Up With Kang To Destroy A Mega Threat – Here's Why

Warning: This article contains spoilers for Marvel Comics' "Avengers" #2.

In Marvel's "Avengers" #2, The Avengers are reluctantly working alongside Kang the Conqueror to stop an even bigger threat to the universe. After Kang tells the Avengers about the Tribulation Events coming to Earth that could spell doom for the planet and its inhabitants, Earth's Mightiest Heroes must trust their longtime adversary. Despite being highly cautious of the information Kang provides them, the Avengers quickly realize he's telling the truth.

Trusting Kang the Conqueror is no easy feat for the Avengers. Since the villain made his debut nearly 60 years ago in the pages of "Avengers" #8 by Jack Kirby and Stan Lee, he has tried to defeat the superteam on numerous occasions through time for his evil schemes. However, Kang and the Avengers must contend with a threat even bigger than usual, leading the villain to put his differences with the group of heroes aside. While Kang is driven by his quest for revenge, he agrees to help the Avengers. He warns them about the pending attacks on Earth and reveals that those coming to destroy the world are more dangerous than they could imagine.

What threat is coming to the Marvel Universe?

In the "Timeless" one-shot, Tribulation Events were teased as the next biggest threat the Avengers would face in their ongoing series. Tribulation Events are described as cataclysmic mass-casualty events that will destroy the planet. Readers previously saw Kang's quest to find the Missing Moment — a moment in time that even he couldn't access. This led him into direct conflict with the Twilight Court, a group of heroes led by Myrddin, who also sought the lost fragment of time. In Kang's last confrontation with Myrddin, he was stabbed in the chest and left for dead. His body was sent to Nowhen, where he was left to die. Captain Marvel was sent to Null-Time, following the Avengers' explosive battle with Terminus, where she crossed paths with Kang. But instead of threatening Carol Danvers, Kang came with a warning about Tribulation Events soon coming to their reality. 

Marvel Comics has teased the villain group, the Ashen Combine, as a mix of horrifying and destructive monsters. The Tribulation Events are tied to the Ashen Combine's desire for chaos, with the Multiversal villains destroying entire cities for sport. Since Kang the Conqueror is aware of the Tribulation Events, the Ashen Combine coming to Earth, and the Twilight Court's quest to find the Missing Moment before he does, the supervillain aids the Avengers. For those wondering if Kang turned over a new leaf, his desire to help the heroes is still driven by his mission to beat Myrddin.

Kang tells the Avengers key information

In "Avengers" #2 by Jed MacKay, C.F. Villa, Federico Blee, and VC's Cory Petit, Kang tells a skeptical Carol Danvers he has important information to help the Avengers. However, Kang makes an offer the new leader of the Avengers can't refuse in a surprising act of good faith — giving the Avengers vital information to save over 1,000 lives in the next 24 hours.

The Avengers act upon Kang's instruction and learn he's telling the truth. Thor stops an out-of-control train in Central India, admitting after the dust settles that while it pains him to his core, Kang's information was good. In Dublin airspace, Vision and Iron Man use details provided by Kang to successfully stop an airplane suffering engine failure from a catastrophic crash. Meanwhile, Black Panther takes down a Hydra terror cell, freeing fifty hostages. Lastly, Captain America helps a tired truck driver deliver medical supplies to prevent his prophesized fate of falling asleep, veering into traffic, and killing more than 40 people. In every scenario, Kang's words are accurate, which throws off the Earth's Mightiest Heroes, who are used to Kang's manipulations.

As a result of his actions, the Avengers are left wondering about the threat coming to them. The superteam understands the gravitas of the situation, knowing Kang was so worried about what will happen that he offered the Avengers help. As they prepare for what's next, Captain Marvel monitors a gravely wounded Kang while he recovers from his injuries.

What's coming to the Marvel Universe?

The issue ends with a shot of Earth's Orbit, where the Impossible City, the home and ship holding the city-destroying Ashen Combine, is located. The group's attack is imminent. The tease for "Avengers" #3 reveals the first Tribulation Event will strike Earth, leading the Avengers to take on the Ashen Combine. Even with Kang the Conqueror's warning, Earth's Mightiest Heroes may not be prepared for their next universe-shattering fight. The Ashen Combine won't rest until Tribulation Events are enacted and their lust for destruction is met — no matter the casualties.

With Kang sidelined after nearly being killed, the Avengers won't have the same information or leads about incoming attacks. However, Kang proved that he could be trusted for once — even if his end goal to find the Missing Moment in time isn't altruistic. The Ashen Comine represents the latest test for the newest iteration of the superteam. With their collective powers, intellect, and experience, it'll still be hard for the Avengers to stop the Tribulation Events from occurring. 

Readers can see Kang the Conqueror and the Avengers prepare for the Tribulation Events and the arrival of the Ashen Combine in "Avengers" #2 from Marvel Comics, which is in comic book stores and available at online retailers now.