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MI7: Hayley Atwell Put Tom Cruise's Life In Her Hands With One Dangerous Stunt

Not to point fingers, but if anyone is going to test the limits of their own mortality in "Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning – Part One," it's Tom Cruise, the guy often seen running as if Death was chasing him on an e-scooter. In an unexpected twist, Cruise finds himself facing danger not just from his own stunts, but also from the actions of his new co-star, Hayley Atwell. After being seen zipping around Rome with Cruise in the "Dead Reckoning – Part One" trailer, it was clear her character, named Grace, would somehow end up alongside Ethan Hunt. What wasn't expected is how much risk that would involve.

It all came about because of Atwell's aim to bring something new to the franchise, which was car drifting, a talent that took a while to master. Speaking to Country Town & House, the former Marvel star revealed, "Tom's mantra is "don't be safe, be competent,' so if you trained well, and if you trained right and if the training also incorporated injury prevention and rest, then your body is capable of doing things." As her involvement increased, she quickly determined what she could bring to the table. "What could I do to add to this franchise that hadn't been seen before and do it safely and competently?" In doing so, it set up a rare occasion for the series, where Cruise was leaving it to his co-star to take the wheel instead.

Hayley Atwell got a round of applause after working on the film's scariest stunts

During the aforementioned rush around Rome, Hayley Atwell and Tom Cruise are handcuffed together, leading to a frenetic chase scene where car doors aren't necessary. The two swap places during the breathtaking sequence, leaving Grace to take charge and having Hunt wincing at every bump and nudge from other vehicles. Describing the scenario, Atwell explained, "someplace that metaphorically and literally Tom would never want to be, is in the passenger seat if someone else is, you know, driving.

Onlookers shared their amazement at Atwell's capability after her 20-minute driving session was met with rapturous applause from the crew. Only when she sat down with director Christopher McQuarrie did she realize the magnitude of her accomplishment. "Afterwards, McQ took me out for lunch, and he went, 'Tom has just put his life in your hands in this moment.'" A nearly impossible feat for some but one that Atwell accomplished with ease.