Samuel L. Jackson's Idea For A Nick Fury Project Is Perfect (Even If Marvel Kills Him)

Samuel L. Jackson is back in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Nick Fury returns to Earth to fight off a Skrull invasion in Disney+'s "Secret Invasion." The dark and gritty spy show allows Jackson to dive deep into who Nick Fury is without all of the Avengers flying around, which is close to the actor's dream solo project for his superspy. 

"I always wanted to tell the story about who Nick was before he had these superhero friends — when he lived in the shadow world as a spy, and how he connected with these people," Jackson told Rolling Stones, teasing what's to come. "'Secret Invasion' is not a superhero movie. It's gritty and dark." 

The legendary actor also revealed that he's spent much of his time in the MCU ensuring Marvel doesn't kill off Nick Fury. He loves lending his talents to the MCU, so whenever the studio calls, he's scared for Fury's life and that it's all coming to an end. While that hasn't happened yet, Jackson does have some longstanding beef with Marvel Studios, saying in his interview, "They didn't let me go to Wakanda, which I was kind of upset about. How could Nick Fury not know about Wakanda?" 

Unfortunately, "Secret Invasion" doesn't seem to be taking Fury to the African nation anytime soon, but hopefully, Marvel answers his demands in a future appearance.

Jackson remains committed to Nick Fury

Although each call from Marvel Studios has Samuel L. Jackson worrying about Nick Fury's fate, he doesn't plan on rejecting the calls anytime soon. The legendary actor has already committed 15 years to bringing the superspy to life in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and he's more than willing to continue.

While speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, Jackson said he'll keep coming back "till they stop calling me," saying, "As long as my phone rings, they can call me." "Secret Invasion" finally gives Nick Fury the spotlight he deserves after assembling the Avengers and saving the world two or three times. After that, audiences won't have to wait long to see Jackson in the MCU again, as Fury returns in "The Marvels," reteaming him with Carol Danvers (Brie Larson), but his MCU future is up in the air after that.

Thankfully, it's not an issue of if Jackson wants to return to the character but where he fits into the narrative. Assuming he makes it out of both "Secret Invasion" and "The Marvels" alive, Fury joins Marvel Studios' ever-growing list of characters who don't have a next appearance set in stone. The most likely candidate will always be either of the upcoming "Avengers" movies, but Fury is one of those characters that could appear in just about anything. Either way, Jackson is more than happy to return whenever Marvel Studios says it's time, so hopefully, there are plenty more Fury appearances in the pipeline.