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How Futurama's First Trailer Retcons The Series' Greatest Hits

Like a zombie from the grave or Philip J. Fry from a time loop, "Futurama" is the show that keeps on reviving. The animated sci-fi sitcom returns this year, back from its second full cancellation, this time on Hulu. And now, with the release of a new trailer for the upcoming Season 8, fans finally get a good look at what the reboot has in store ... and also what it changes.

Indeed, "Futurama" doesn't appear to have changed as much as the world around it, but there's still plenty that appears new, along with a lot that isn't. Much has happened since the show aired its first season in 1999, and in the decade since the Season 7 finale, "Meanwhile," we've lived through three American presidential administrations, a global pandemic, and more.

That said, some things will never change. Bender (John DiMaggio) will always be a drunken jerk, Professor Farnsworth (Billy West) a callous genius, and Fry (Billy West) a hapless romantic for Leela (Katey Sagal). But the new season promises to introduce fresh ideas into the mix, touching on topical subjects including the COVID-19 pandemic, cryptocurrency, and smart assistants, while resetting the stakes for a new batch of stories to be told.

The previous Futurama finale is unfinalized

"Futurama" fans know the series previously ended with "Meanwhile," an aching love story that saw Fry and Leela get married and live into their senior years in a frozen moment of time. That is, until Professor Farnsworth finds them and resets the timeline, telling them they'll forget everything.

Well, if the trailer for Hulu's "Futurama" reboot is to be believed, that love story is getting a re-do. "We seem to have survived a massive disruption in the flow of time," Professor Farnsworth (Billy West) announces. Sure enough, it seems that, although Fry and Leela will be getting back together, they have probably forgotten the lifetime of marriage they spent together in the previous season finale.

One moment in the trailer shows the couple getting frisky on a bed before an Alexa-style smart device asks if they'd like to purchase "erotic scented massage oil or fuzzy handcuffs." Fry enthusiastically answers, "Yes!" while Leela remarks, "God, that's creepy." It seems that navigating their relationship yet again will be one of Season 8's many subplots.

The Planet Express runs again

The Planet Express, the fictional shipping company owned by Hubert J. Farnsworth, makes new deliveries, as promised by the trailer for "Futurama." The trailer for the upcoming season is packed with winking references to the show's new home on Hulu, and the first shot of the trailer features a company called "Fulu." As the crew of the Planet Express touches down at Fulu, Bender (John DiMaggio) remarks, "We're back, baby!"

In fact, for all its retcons, resets, and new takes on topical issues, "Futurama" seems to have changed very little. The main voice cast is back, including former hold-out John DiMaggio, and the show's signature animation style remains intact, if a bit more vibrant and digitized than some of the earlier seasons.

One moment in the trailer appears to show off the forward-only time machine from the fan-favorite episode, "The Late Philip J. Fry," which is sure to pique fan interest. There's also a glimpse of the improvement worms first seen in "Parasites Lost," as well as Captain Zap Brannigan (Billy West) and his put-upon sidekick Kif (Maurice LaMarche), along with plenty of other Easter eggs for longtime fans.

It appears that even as it retcons a few things, "Futurama" is sticking with the signature blend of high and low-brow humor that has made it so beloved, and that's nothing but good news for fans.