The Witcher: The Unexpected Brotherhood Duo Who Are Friends In Real Life

Netflix's "The Witcher" isn't always a show that thrives on friendship. Apart from the rare unequivocally positive relationship — say, between Geralt of Rivia (Henry Cavill) and Ciri (Freya Allan) — even the most ironclad friendships and positive partnerships are subject to change as people's goals and allegiances change over the course of the series, rendering every relationship in the show subject to change at a plot twist's notice. As such, it can be easy to forget that the actors in the show can have a vastly warmer relationship than the characters they play. This is especially true in the Brotherhood of Sorcerers, a collection of notoriously cunning magic users who have been known to pursue their own agendas ... yet, two prominent and somewhat surprising Brotherhood members have a very warm relationship after the cameras stop rolling.

Tissaia de Vries (MyAnna Buring) is the outwardly cool and collected rectoress of Aretuza and Sabrina Glesswig (Therica Wilson-Read) one of her trainees who eventually graduates to full Brotherhood membership. Still, in real life, the actors' relationship is far less formal. In a joint interview with the Hey U Guys YouTube channel, Buring even revealed that their roles are somewhat reversed in real life, as it is Wilson-Read who tends to teach her.

Buring relies on Wilson-Read's knowledge of the source material

As one of the Brotherhood's highest-ranking members and Yennefer's (Anya Chalotra) mentor, Tissaia de Vries is a major "The Witcher" character and a prominent player in the Continent's affairs. Meanwhile, Sabrina's main role in the show's first season is to be the kind of talented student that Yen and others struggle to be, only to temporarily fall victim to a mind-controlling parasite during the Battle of Sodden Hill. However, both characters are still very much in play, and despite their clear differences in the Brotherhood's hierarchy, it's fun to know that their actors are so friendly with each other in real life. In fact, Buring has revealed that she often relies on the more source material-savvy Wilson-Read to prepare for the role of Tissaia.

"You see, Therica is my ... she's my Witcher Bible," Buring explained their behind-the-scenes dynamic. "So whenever I need answers to anything, I will — and this is true — I call up to her: 'Can I go, Therica? I need to understand this part of the story, I need to understand this part of my character'. And Therica will literally give me a thesis on it. It's incredible. So, my recommendation is that you have a Therica with you at all times."

Will the actors' real-life relationship be reflected with increased interaction in the show going forward? It remains to be seen, but for now, fans can bask in the knowledge that the pair certainly can rely on each other behind the scenes.