Ghost Adventures: A Specific Fear Keeps Zak Bagans From Returning To This Haunted Locale

Zak Bagans has no problem with putting himself in some spooky situations on "Ghost Adventures." From haunted prisons and hotels to residential homes that have unwelcome visitors, he's ready to explore it all. Still, Bagans is only human, and sometimes, he finds himself feeling afraid. One such instance occurs in "Ghost Adventures" Season 7, Episode 3, which sees the crew explore Northern California's Point Sur Lighthouse. This is said to be one of the most spirit-ridden lighthouses in America.

When answering fans' questions on TikTok, Bagans responded to one that asked him to list the top five places he wouldn't revisit. One was Point Sur Lighthouse, but not because of the paranormal activity. For Bagans, who suffers from a fear of deep water, also known as thalassophobia, the experience was terrifying because of the eight-hour boat journey required to get to the location. "I got seasick, and I don't like the ocean," he said. "It scares the heck out of me, and I don't wanna go back on a boat again in the ocean in fear of capsizing and getting eaten by a big, nasty shark."

Zak Bagans seems to fear dolls just as much as the ocean

Boating across the ocean for the equivalent of a typical workday isn't the only fear that Zak Bagans faces on "Ghost Adventures." In Season 10, Episode 4, he conquers another: dolls. He and his team travel to Mexico's Island of the Dolls, which is exactly what it sounds like. In an interview with Travel Channel, Bagans acknowledged that this fear — as well as his other common phobias of snakes, heights, and of course, the ocean — probably seems amusing given his line of work. However, his fear goes deeper than just the look of the toy.

"It's so silly, but there are so many different dolls that have very credible reports of being cursed and being possessed. ... You have to remember that these dolls are everything to children, and all across the world, countless children do perish. Some die of natural causes, some are murdered, some are killed in fires, and I believe that these children's spirits can remain attached to these dolls and, in some cases, possess the dolls," said Bagans.

He added that, sometimes, darker entities can interfere and also possess a doll, which he felt was the case for many on Island of the Dolls. Bagans said, "This episode was facing my phobia on steroids." In fact, he discovers tiny bruises on his left arm after handling one of the island's dolls, one that has a nearly broken left arm.