Ms. Marvel Is Back! Iman Vellani Pens New Comic Exploring Kamala's Inhuman & Mutant Identity

Iman Vellani is returning as Ms. Marvel... kind of.

The Canadian youth made headlines when she was roped in as the titular character in the long-awaited Disney+ series "Ms. Marvel." Created by Bisha K. Ali, the miniseries effortlessly introduced Marvel Cinematic Universe fans to Kamala Khan, a Jersey City teen obsessed with Captain Marvel (Brie Larson). Her dreams of joining her hero in battle are realized when Khan discovers an ancient family heirloom in the form of a bangle, which allows her to control cosmic energy. Soon, Khan takes on the moniker of Ms. Marvel, a homegrown superhero with big dreams, and even bigger problems to solve.

The series was met with overwhelmingly positive reviews, with particular praise shined at Vellani's nuanced take on Kamala, a character who wields her dual Pakistani-American identity like it's a superpower. The Disney+ series ended with the revelation that Khan was a mutant, the first time the word had been uttered in the MCU, ushering in a new era. This revelation proved to be an exciting one for fans, eager to see the mutant's story continue in the universe.

While Vellani is set to return as Ms. Marvel in the upcoming cosmic team-up flick "The Marvels," she's also expanding her talents by penning a brand new "Ms. Marvel" comic for Marvel, making her debut as a writer. "This was way scarier than joining the MCU for me," Vellani told Entertainment Weekly about her new gig. "I've never written anything before in my entire life, but I have read many comics, so I just wrote what I would want to read." 

Details are far from slim on the upcoming Vellani-penned project, as EW confirms that the new comic will peel back the layers on Khan's identity as an Inhuman, and see her come back to life... as a mutant.

Iman Vellani is making Ms. Marvel a mutant in the comics

A quick recap: Ms. Marvel supposedly died in "Amazing Spider-Man #26." As the coolest character in the world, Ms. Marvel sacrificed herself to save the universe — typical superhero stuff. Kamala Khan, however, did not die in vain, as she was recently mourned in "Fallen Friend: The Death of Ms. Marvel." The issue showed several of Ms. Marvel's superhero friends meeting her Muslim family. A pivotal moment even involves Wolverine and Co. going to Khan's masjid for her funeral. It's a devastating moment for Khan's family and friends, but they'll soon be celebrating because Ms. Marvel is far from gone.

The upcoming Iman Vellani-penned "Ms. Marvel" comic will see Khan return from the dead, this time as a mutant. The limited series is titled "Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant," confirming that Khan is both an Inhuman and mutant, a major revelation for her traditionally Inhuman character. This decision makes the comic Khan similar to her television counterpart, making Vellani's contributions to the character's mythology all the more inspiring. This choice goes beyond streamlining the character's various iterations. Recent Marvel comics have confirmed that the X-Men can bring mutants back to life. With Khan now a mutant, it's a walk in the park to bring her back to life.

While speaking with EW, Vellani was adamant that Khan being a mutant won't disrespect her legacy as an Inhuman. "I want to make it very, very clear that we are not reconning her Inhuman origin," the star said. "That's a part of Kamala's identity that Marvel editorial and myself would very much like to keep and protect," Vellani continued, saying that Khan now being a mutant is just "a whole new label that Kamala has to learn to accept."

How Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant expands on Kamala Khan

"Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant" is a major but familiar switch-up for Kamala Khan. Perhaps the most notable inclusion is Iman Vellani, who makes the jump from star to writer. However, she isn't the only Disney+ alum from "Ms. Marvel" to join the project. Series writer Sabir Pirzada will also be co-writing the four-issue limited comic series for Marvel, making "The New Mutant" a must-read for fans of the Disney+ series. Pirzada has nothing but positive things to say about Vellani, praising his co-writer's knowledge of the character in a chat with EW. "[Iman] was throwing out references to specific comics that came out before either of us were born," Pirzada said. "She has a very great eye for what makes for a good sequence on the page as drawn by an artist." 

Carlos Gomez and Adam Gorhman are the issue's artists, while Marvel veteran Sara Pichelli will take care of the covers. In addition to Khan being a mutant, fans of the character can expect a brand-new suit for Ms. Marvel. Gone is the lightning bolt which became key iconography for Khan, with Ms. Marvel's new suit featuring nods to the X-Men, highlighting her new identity as a mutant. The new suit is designed by the fan-favorite Jamie McKelvie. A Marvel press release confirms that "The New Mutant" will see Khan brought back to life thanks to Krakoan Resurrection Technology. Dealing with her new identity, Khan will have to go on a daring mission on behalf of the X-Men. 

"Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant" hits comic stands on August 30.