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The Sinner: Why Does Bill Pullman's Detective Ambrose Limp In Season 3?

Sometimes audiences respond to a character so strongly that a series is able to move past its initial premise and continue on even after the original story has been solved. This is the case with "The Sinner," a psychological thriller that begins with Detective Harry Ambrose (Bill Pullman) attempting to solve an inexplicable murder carried out by Cora Tannetti (Jessica Biel) at a crowded beach in broad daylight.

From here, Harry goes on to take on a new case with each passing season of "The Sinner," making for more of an anthology-style series along the way. However, Ambrose remains the static character throughout, giving audiences a familiar window into the mystery behind each season and a relatable presence throughout.

Of course, part of this comes with the character's chronic pain. If you're over the age of 30, you've likely struggled with the aging aspects of your body and can relate to feeling aches and pains as time marches on. However, Harry's back pain is more intense as it's a symptom of his Sciatica, a condition that puts pressure on the nerves of a patient's back, sometimes causing pain, numbness, or even a limp.

Harry's back problems get more pronounced in Season 3

By Season 3 of "The Sinner," Harry's condition has clearly worsened, as his newly pronounced limp demonstrates. This element of the character is emphasized throughout the third season as well, as Ambrose is seen trying therapeutic rollers and other avenues to address his back pain throughout the season.

Although, for many patients, Sciatica will pass or even go away completely after a short period of time, Harry appears to have the chronic version of the condition. As such, his back and leg pain seems to only get worse over the course of "The Sinner," adding to the often tragic and sad nature of his character.

Still, even if Harry often seems miserable and even flirts with death himself throughout the show, the well-worn detective ultimately decides that life is worth living at the end of the fourth and final season of "The Sinner." This bittersweet ending offers at least a little hope for even the most chronic of pain sufferers, as it's been clear throughout the show that on top of his condition, Harry's life has been anything but easy.

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