MI7: How A New Fan Favorite Could Return In Part 2 (Despite Looking Dead)

Contains spoilers for "Mission: Impossible — Dead Reckoning Part One"

Pom Klementieff proved she had action chops in the "Guardians of the Galaxy" series as Mantis. But that's taken to a whole new level in "Mission: Impossible — Dead Reckoning Part One" as the villainous assassin, Paris, who was inspired by sad clowns and monsters. She works for Gabriel (Esai Morales) throughout much of the film, being a real thorn in the side of Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise). However, after Ethan spares her life in a fight, Gabriel worries she'll betray him and tries to kill her. Toward the film's end, that's precisely what happens, with Paris rescuing Ethan and Grace (Hayley Atwell) from certain death.

Paris suffers what looks like a mortal wound, but she manages to tell Ethan exactly where he needs to take the key to take down the Entity. And even though she seemingly dies, someone later says they can get a pulse off her, setting her up to return in "Dead Reckoning Part Two." While Paris could easily sit the next adventure out, she's too good of a character for devoted fans already, so it's a safe bet she'll be back in some capacity. Klementieff actually signed on for both installments back in 2019, so hopefully, she gets a lot more to say and do in the next film. And if she does return, it should be as the newest member of Ethan's team.

Ethan's crew could always use more muscle

Seeing how Paris provides Ethan with the information he needs to take down the Entity, it's safe to say Gabriel wouldn't have her back on his team. Therefore, if Paris becomes another recurring character in the "Mission: Impossible" movies, it would make the most sense for her to join the good guys. Her role in "Mission: Impossible — Dead Reckoning Part Two" could consist of proving she's loyal to Ethan's team, even if some members doubt her allegiance initially. At some point, she could do something that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that she's in this for the long haul, setting up exciting possibilities for anything that comes after "Dead Reckoning Part Two."

For this to happen, Paris would likely need to officially join the Impossible Mission Force, as Grace does at the end of "Dead Reckoning Part One." Paris could do the same, or if she wants to remain a free agent, she could go rogue and meet up with Ethan and his team later when they're trying to eliminate the Entity. With two hackers on the team, Ethan could likely use some more brute force out in the field, and Paris has proven herself to be a worthy opponent.

Paris also fills a void left behind by Ilsa Fault (Rebecca Ferguson), who seemingly dies for good in "Dead Reckoning Part One." It looks like Grace will be Ethan's new love interest, but Paris could become the de facto mercenary on the squad. Plus, it'd be nice to have a woman on the team Ethan doesn't develop a will-they-won't-they relationship with. Pom Klementieff is an incredibly exciting performer, and hopefully, this franchise will continue utilizing her well.