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The One Actor Ryan Reynolds Will Flat Out Never Work With Again

Ryan Reynolds has sat at the top of the Hollywood heap for many years now, taking on all kinds of projects in that time. From goofy comedies to superhero epics, he has proven himself an immensely versatile on-screen talent. In doing so, Reynolds has brushed shoulders with numerous of his fellow big screen stars, from Hugh Jackman to his wife, Blake Lively. While most of these cinematic partnerships turned out to be pretty fruitful, not all of them left Reynolds eager to reunite with his co-star in future features down the road.

Long before he brought Deadpool to life for the first time, Reynolds made his Marvel movie debut in 2004's "Blade: Trinity." In the role of Hannibal King, he stands beside Blade (Wesley Snipes) himself as they battle back against the vampires who seek to terrorize humanity. Though they work together, Hannibal and Blade are far from friends, which seems to mirror Reynolds' real-life strained relationship with Snipes. When asked by Première Magazine if he'd ever work with Snipes again on a potential "Blade 4," Reynolds made it clear with a slight laugh and a shake of his head that he has no interest.

Taking into account what Reynolds has said about his experience working with Snipes on "Blade: Trinity," it's no surprise that he doesn't want to work with the actor again.

Reynolds and Snipes didn't click on the Blade: Trinity set

It has long been the word online that Wesley Snipes wasn't the easiest to work with on the set of "Blade: Trinity." The actor supposedly remained in his trailer for most of the shoot, emerging only to film close-ups, thus leaving his stand-ins to do the bulk of the work. Over the years, other stories like him only communicating with director David S. Goyer solely through Post-It notes, attempting to choke him out at one point, and refusing to open his eyes for one scene (resulting in some pretty uncanny CGI eyes) have gained a lot of traction on the Internet. His interactions with Ryan Reynolds have also made the rounds, somewhat explaining Reynolds' disinterest in working with Snipes again.

After stating that many of the claims regarding the tension between himself and Snipes are "overblown," Reynolds recalled to IGN, "My personality is the polar opposite of Wesley. I never met Wesley, I only met Blade, and he is a method actor." He added that he respects Snipes for his method approach to the character and his commitment to the craft, but he could tell that his co-star couldn't stand him. "There's a moment in the movie where I look up at [Jessica Biel] and I swear to God, I didn't even know the cameras were rolling anymore, and I say, 'He hates me, doesn't he?' And she's like, 'Yeah,'" he said, noting that his ad-libbing seemed to get on Snipes' nerves.

What does Snipes have to say about the Blade: Trinity situation?

Unsurprisingly, as the many "Blade: Trinity" rumors centered on him have picked up steam, Wesley Snipes has taken it upon himself to set the record straight in some regards. When it comes to his Post-It note usage, long trips to his trailer, and clashes with David S. Goyer — these points stemming from comedian and "Blade: Trinity" actor Patton Oswalt, who shared them during an appearance on "The Pete Holmes Show" — he asserted during a chat with The Guardian that these supposed anecdotes from the set are nothing more than fiction.

In the aforementioned interview, Snipes didn't bring up Ryan Reynolds, his feelings on his frequent improv, or anything regarding their time working opposite one another on the third "Blade" film. Instead, he focused primarily on Oswalt's comments and their wider implications. Therefore, it's safe to assume that the actor hopes to put "Blade: Trinity," his experience working on it, and all the rumors and stories surrounding its troubled production behind him. After all, the threequel is rapidly approaching 20 years old, and both he and Reynolds have moved on personally and professionally.