Actors Who Were Injured Filming Christopher Nolan Movies

The entertainment industry can be a dangerous business on a whole host of levels, and unfortunately, it's not totally uncommon for actors to end up injured on set while they're working on their latest projects. Everyone from Charlize Theron to Jackie Chan to Halle Berry has experienced dangerous moments on set while performing some sort of death-defying stunt — and some actors like Tom Cruise are actually known to embark on these stunts themselves, no matter how risky — and considering that Christopher Nolan's movies pretty much all involve major stunt work, it's not surprising that some performers have been injured while working on his movies.

Nolan is also deeply committed to practical effects in his films whenever possible, which definitely means that actors could be put into precarious situations from time to time on his sets. While he obviously takes precautions, some actors have been injured while working on his movies... and tragically, one death did occur on one of Nolan's sets. Here are the actors and performers who have faced physical harm while working on Christopher Nolan movies.

Anne Hathaway was exposed to freezing cold temperatures while making Interstellar

While working on "Interstellar," Anne Hathaway, who plays NASA scientist Dr. Amelia Brand in the film, worked on a scene shot in frigid Iceland where she was meant to be exploring the rugged climate on a different planet. The scene in question was shot in water, and as Hathaway told The Telegraph, said water was dangerously cold.

"It was a scene where my character becomes submerged in water and trapped, so I go down in the water expecting it's probably not going to be warm but I will at least be dry," Hathaway said. "After about 10 seconds the suit is totally full of water. I don't know what's happening or why, but everybody is hurting and cold so I don't say anything about it and wonder, 'How long can this last?"

"Well, [the scene] did last and I became tingly and couldn't feel anything and things were starting to get a bit hazy around the edges," the Oscar winner continued. At a certain point, she realized she had to say something before she was really in danger, realizing that her dying would be a bigger issue than simply asking to stop filming for a little while.

As it turns out, the suit wasn't zipped all the way up — and Hathaway got out of it, got warmed up, and resumed filming. Still, that mishap could have gone horribly wrong had Hathaway not spoken up.

Harry Styles faced danger on the set of Dunkirk

Considering that it's based on a real historical event that happened during World War II, it should come as no surprise that "Dunkirk" was a dangerous movie to film — and Nolan's star Harry Styles faced multiple injuries, though he didn't get particularly specific about them. Styles, who plays a Highlanders regiment soldier named Alex who's discovered by two fellow soldiers, told UK radio station Capital FM — which was reported by Express UK — that he dealt with injuries after filming wrapped.

"There was a couple little [injuries]," Style said in 2017. "I was a little, like, numb by the end I think. I did something to my wrist but there was a couple times stuff would fall on my head and stuff. Like rip off the wall and fall on you and stuff like that."

Styles admitted, though, that he got off easy compared to some of the film's hardest-working performers. "But you know the stunt guys really went through it so it made me feel like I couldn't really complain about my wrist," Styles concluded.

Christopher Judge had a nasty injury on the set of The Dark Knight Rises

Christopher Judge is probably best known for his work in video games like "God of War" and "God of War Ragnarok" or his role as Teal'c on "Stargate SG-1," but you might have missed him in the third film in Nolan's "Batman" trilogy, "The Dark Knight Rises." Judge plays a henchman working with the movie's main antagonist, Bane (Tom Hardy), and according to a tweet from Judge's wife during filming, he ended up injured after shooting a scene.

On September 11, 2001, Gianna Patton-Judge tweeted, "@iamchrisjudge is ok and in really good spirits despite suffering a black n' bloodied eye. He's ready to keep filming. That's my man," adding a heart emoji. Clearly, Judge was fine in the end, and what exactly happened isn't widespread knowledge, but that's all right; Judge showed up in the final movie without a black or bloodied eye in sight.

Conway Wickliffe died filming The Dark Knight

Sadly, this final injury ended in a fatality. While filming "The Dark Knight" in Surrey, England in the fall of 2007, longtime special effects technician Conway Wickliffe was leaning out of the window of a Nissan filming a stunt car driving directly next to him. Wickliffe's car crashed into a tree, and Wickliffe, who was 41 at the time, didn't survive the crash. Wickliffe was originally from New Zealand and had two children.

According to The Guardian, which obtained the inquest related to the incident in 2008 shortly before the film's summer release, supervisor Ian Lowe said that he and another crew member, Ian Mitchell, assumed the stunt had gone as planned until someone came running to tell them otherwise. "Instead of turning on to the service road it carried on and I saw it impact the tree," Lowe said. "It appeared to be a glancing blow." Upon finding Wickliffe, Lowe said he found the man "in a bad way."

Ultimately, the movie was dedicated to the memory of both Wickliffe and its star, Heath Ledger, who passed away in January 2008 — and Wickliffe's memory lives on in "The Dark Knight" and other movies which featured his work, including Nolan's "Batman Begins" and two James Bond movies, "Die Another Day" and "Casino Royale."