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Dwayne Johnson Stands Up For Actors With Historic SAG-AFTRA Donation Amid Strike

The Writers Guild of America has been on strike for some time now, and it recently gained a powerful ally. Since July 14, the Screen Actors Guild – American Federation of Television and Radio Artists has also been on strike, forming a unified front with the WGA in hopes of securing fair pay and improved working conditions for all. As studio executives show little desire to come to an agreement with these two unions, none other than Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has made a massive contribution to SAG-AFTRA to help keep their movement alive.

With the strike officially on, SAG-AFTRA Foundation president Courtney B. Vance and executive director Cyd Wilson sent out a letter to the union's highest-paid actors. The letter explained the financial strain of the work stoppage on those electing to strike, which prompted Johnson to reach out. He spoke with Vance over the phone, and following their conversation, he cracked open his checkbook. According to Variety, the "Black Adam" star sent over a sum of money somewhere in the seven-figure range to help union members in need.

It goes without saying that Johnson's donation will help out numerous individuals as their fight to get what they deserve for their hard work continues.

Johnson's contribution will help out union members greatly during this turbulent time

Courtney B. Vance and Cyd Wilson spoke to Variety about the weight of Dwayne Johnson's contribution to the SAG-AFTRA Foundation. "What is amazing is that that one check is going to help thousands of actors keep food on their table, and keep their kids safe, and keep their cars running," Wilson explained, noting that Johnson's donation is the largest they've ever received from a single person at one time. Still, there remains a lot of work to be done, and Wilson is hopeful that Johnson's help is the start of something greater.

Wilson added, "For him to step up like this is really going to get us started in the fundraising that we're going to need to do, because everything we're hearing and seeing, we feel we have to be prepared that this could go on through the end of the year." Vance also commented on the strike, Johnson's donation, and the work of the SAG-AFTRA Foundation, reiterating what so many union members have said in various ways: the strike isn't going to end until their demands are met, and they're prepared to work together to keep it alive for as long as possible.

For the sake of the SAG-AFTRA Foundation and those relying on it to help pay the bills for the time being, hopefully, Dwayne Johnson's massive contribution inspires others with the means to do so to help out their fellow actors.