Secret Invasion's Finale Just Made The Best Case For The MCU's Secret Wars Reset

Contains spoilers for "Secret Invasion" Season 1, Episode 6 — "Home" 

Marvel Studios really dug itself into a hole with the "Secret Invasion" finale. Because of the Harvest, G'iah (Emilia Clarke) now has the powers of Ghost, Captain America, Corvus Glaive, Thanos, the Outriders, Proxima Midnight, Captain Marvel, Abomination, the Frost Beast, Ebony Maw, Korg, Drax, Cull Obsidian, Mantis, Gamora, Hulk, Black Panther, the Chitauri, Valkyrie, Thor, and Groot. 

It's understandable Marvel would want to have a star like Clarke in a significant role going forward, but G'iah having so much power at her disposal removes any sense of threat from the MCU. Who could possibly attack Earth when she's just a phone call away? What's the point of having the Avengers when one person can do everything they can? It makes her arguably the strongest being in the MCU, and "Secret Wars" may be the only solution to this overpowered problem. 

In the comics, "Secret Wars" served as a universal reboot, so it's not out of the question for Marvel Studios to do something similar with the highly anticipated MCU event, ushering in a new, less complicated era. If that's the case, it would allow Marvel to rectify the situation Giah's new powers present, bringing balance back to the cinematic universe's power dynamic. "Secret Invasion" shows she isn't invincible, but it's clear something needs to change because as long as she's around, every problem will leave fans asking, "Why didn't they just call in G'iah?" and there's not a good answer to that question.

Marvel fans aren't happy with G'iah's new powers

Everyone knows that sometimes comic book movie fans can be divas, making it nearly impossible for a studio to please every one of their desires. However, it seems like "Secret Invasion" gave them a collective problem centering around G'iah and what her newly acquired powers mean for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. One Reddit user expressed frustration, writing, "So G'iah is literally the most powerful being in the MCU. That is so f***ing stupid." 

The opinion seemed to open a can of worms, starting a thread for fans to air out their problems with G'iah's new role. U/funsizedaisy agreed, replying, "Where do you even go with this? She literally has the powers of every single powered person we've ever seen." 

U/FloppyShellTaco pointed out, "She's so powerful she even got the powers of people who were not in the Battle for Earth," while u/GymDefender was just glad G'iah didn't get Scarlet Witch's chaos magic. 

U/TobioOkuma1 hoped G'iah's powers fade over time but wasn't betting on it, saying, "Knowing this writing, they'll keep her OP forever." 

U/MyTrueChum was looking for similar ways to write off G'iah's new powers, saying, "Just say the treatment wasn't permanent or the machine was flawed," while u/josephus1811 suggested Kang could use time travel to undo her powers. 

There are plenty of options for how Marvel Studios can handle G'iah going forward, whether through a "Secret Wars" reboot, clever writing, or something else. Either way, fans have made it clear that something needs to be done to nerf the MCU's newest hero sooner rather than later.