Good Omens: The Season 2 Finale End Credits Explained

Contains spoilers for "Good Omens" Season 2, Episode 6 – "Every Day"

Happiness and sadness are a heartbreaking combination of emotions to witness onscreen at the same time. But that formula is thrown off balance when one character is both happy and sad and another character is just plain bummed out. The "Good Omens" Season 2 finale features this very pairing of experiences with the angel Aziraphale (Michael Sheen) and the demon Crowley (David Tennant) during the final credits because a lot of big things happen in a small amount of time.

First, the scene in question. Aziraphale is in a divine elevator with the Metatron (Derek Jacobi) bound for Heaven, a forced smile plastered across his face. Crowley is in his Bentley, listening to "A Nightingale San in Berkley Square," his own expression stoically impassive. Where he's driving off to, it's never said. But as the sad, aching music plays, the screen splits to follow the two departures simultaneously. No more words are spoken. The screen lingers on the distant pair for an uncomfortably long time, their images separated not only by space but by the rolling credits, too. It feels as though the creative team wanted viewers to experience the same disillusionment that his starcrossed lovers were experiencing in real time.

It's awkward and unavoidable, as most break-ups tend to be, but it's a significant moment because Neil Gaiman, showrunner of the Prime Video series and co-author of its original source material, is a clever man who can layer story beats with meta necessities. Let's break it down.

Good Omens Season 2 ends with lost love

Narratively, the final credits sequence is the culmination of many things. After the former Supreme Archangel Gabriel (Jon Hamm) and the former Duke of Hell Beelzebub (Shelley Conn, previously Anna Maxwell Martin) publically express their affections for each other, the demon realizes that he must confess his own feelings for the angel who'd been by his side on and off for the last 6,000 years. It's a scary thing, admitting to something like that. But he does.

Shortly before Crowley's confession, the Metatron offers Aziraphale the post of Supreme Archangel. Aziraphale, despite his affections for humanity, corporeal food, and his cozy bookshop, agrees to take the job, which the Metatron sweetens by assuring him that Crowley could be reinstated as an angel to work alongside him to oversee Heaven. Since Aziraphale can't shake the notion that all beings, occult or otherwise, desire entry into Heaven, he believes that Crowley will be as excited about the idea as he is. And he is very, very wrong.

It starts bad and gets worse. When Aziraphale and Crowley reunite, the demon attempts to profess his feelings for the angel, who somehow fails to clock the mood entirely. Aziraphale cuts over Crowley's confession to share his own news. As Aziraphale is essentially telling his situationship that he wants to work for the company that tried to kill both of them only a few months ago, Crowley is understandably unenthused. But Crowley presses on, anyway, and confesses his love for the angel ... who visibly recoils from the sentiment. Desperately, Crowley kisses Aziraphale, to which the angel only says, "I forgive you." These words are said with every ounce of repressed affection that Aziraphale is comfortable expressing ... but they're said nonetheless.

Good Omens Season 3 promises a new armageddon

So Crowley says, "Don't bother" and leaves. Aziraphale, who obviously reciprocates everything that Crowley finally gave voice to, gets one fleeting moment to fall apart before the Metatron comes to collect him. And just before he steps inside the divine elevator with the Knower of Secrets, the Metatron reveals that he needs an angel who's familiar with how things on earth operate to take charge of the Second Coming. In other words, not only does Aziraphale lose his closest friend and possible partner but he also must spearhead the next effort to literally end the world. These truths weigh heavily against Aziraphale's excitement to see home again. Because, despite all his talk of Heaven's moral victory, Earth is his home now, too.

And there it is. That's what's at stake during the final credit sequence. It's a lot to take in, even for an occult being, but the narrative heft isn't the only reason why Season 2's ending is so interesting. No writer creates such a devastating cliffhanger if they aren't angling for another season. Neil Gaiman recently stated that "Good Omens" Season 3 is already "planned and plotted" and that he would be writing it this very moment were it not for the WGA strikes, which he wholly supports in both words and actions. If or when the strikes are resolved, and if or when Amazon locks in more "Good Omens," then Gaiman can get back to writing a dramatic comedy variation of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Who do you think he'll cast as the son of God (Frances McDormand)?