Why Sony's Amazing Spider-Man 'Announcement' Enraged Fans - 'This Hurt'

Even if Andrew Garfield's "The Amazing Spider-Man" duology wasn't beloved by critics at the time of their release, they have garnered a strong fanbase over the years, especially for those who grew up with them. Fans who have long wished for a third chapter got a glimmer of hope with a recent video posted on Sony's TikTok. But the clip's unexpected hard left turn was more than enough to set webheads aflame with frustration.

The 31 second TikTok video in question begins by showing a poster from the first "Amazing Spider-Man" with the theme from "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" playing in the background. Overlayed on the poster is text that reads, "standby for an important announcement." However, fans holding their breath for news on a third movie were in for an age old internet surprise as Rick Astley's music video for "Never Gonna Give You Up" starts playing under text that reads, "it's been 36 years since Sony Music's Rick Astley released this iconic song."

The video was, of course, meant in good fun, as most rickrolling videos are, and the tease was even hinted at in the video's caption, which quotes one of the song's famous lyrics, reading, "you know the rules." It's also obvious that Sony was preparing for the passionate reactions that would follow when the company wrote, "sorry in advance..." But no apology seemed to be enough to appease Spidey fans, who were quick to bombard the comments with their own reactions to the hard-hitting betrayal.

The Rickroll tease hurt Spidey fans on some deep levels

Following the character's triumphant comeback in 2021's "Spider-Man: No Way Home," an increasing number of Spider-Man fanatics have rallied behind having Andrew Garfield return for a potential third installment to his incomplete set of Spidey movies. Despite the interest, nothing official from Sony has come to fruition. So it's no surprise that this Spider-Man tease-turned-rickroll left fans in a frenzy. Many commenters were not only displeased by the tease, but expressed being hurt by the unfulfilled promise. User @Sheluvsconnorr was one of these viewers, commenting, "This hurt more than I can express can't believe you Sony." Others were able to express what the pain felt like, such as the video's top comment by @tanktgm82 which reads, "This hurt more than my parents divorce," and @MJ Moonwalker4L who states, "This hurt more than my 3 year relationship break up."

Sony, which pulled the plug on "The Amazing Spider-Man" movies following the lackluster critical and commercial performance of the second film, may have underestimated just how passionate fans were for the series. Some couldn't hold back their tears, such as @lucas who condemned the company by saying, "I'M CRYING SONY...WHY DID YOU DO THAT." The betrayal was such a let down for @Alania that the user proclaimed, "Only watching Warner bro movies now."

It may have been posted as light-hearted fun, but you never know what could come from these reactions. If dream superhero projects such as "Zack Snyder's Justice League" became a reality thanks to strong fan support, the future of "The Amazing Spider-Man" movies might also once again swing high if fans continue to demand it.