Darkest Secrets Of The Cast Of Game Of Thrones
HBO's Game of Thrones is one of the wildest shows on television, so it should come as little surprise that its uber-famous cast is just as wacky off camera. What kind of Red-Wedding-level drama have they gotten into in real life? Where do we even begin?
Sean Bean got stabbed
In 2011, The Daily Mail reported that actor Sean Bean was stabbed in the arm and punched in the face during a fight over topless model April Summers. According to eyewitnesses, the fight started after a passerby made "lewd comments" about Summers while she and Bean were outside a bar having a cigarette. Of course, the beloved "Ned Stark" felt compelled to defend the lady's honor. The report tells the tale: "Mr Bean followed the man down the road to challenge him. Later in the evening, Mr Bean went out for another cigarette and was then attacked by a man." "He came in with a cut on his arm and a bruise on his eyebrow," an eyewitness told The Daily Mail. "We saw to his injuries with the first aid kit. He seemed ok and wanted to have another drink." Well, there you have it.
And then he got arrested
About a year after Bean's bar brawl, the King of Winterfell was arrested for allegedly harassing his ex-queen—whoops, we mean ex-wife—Georgina Sutcliffe. According to The Daily Mail, Bean turned himself into London police for an interview after he was accused of making abusive phone calls and sending text messages to Sutcliffe. A spokesperson for Scotland Yard pretty much confirmed the report in a statement, saying, "A 53-year-old man attended a central London police station by appointment, where he was arrested and bailed pending further inquiries." Bean, who split from Sutcliffe in 2010, was previously arrested for allegedly assaulting her in 2008, according to The Daily Mail. They were photographed together a few days later. So much for honor.
Lena Headey's divorce revealed she was broke
In 2012, Lena Headey filed for divorce from husband, Peter Loughran, after five years of marriage, according to People. Their divorce proceedings subsequently made headlines when it was revealed in court documents that despite playing filthy rich Queen Cersei Lannister on one of HBO's most successful shows, the actress had less than $5 in her bank account. According to TMZ, Headey revealed her dire financial situation after Loughran asked for half of the couple's $46,000 tax refund from 2011. She claimed she needed $6,000 of the refund immediately in order to care for herself and the couple's 2-year-old son. A judge dismissed both requests, according to TMZ. Headey and Loughran's divorce was finalized in 2013.
Headey suffered from depression
Speaking to More magazine in 2015, Headey admitted to suffering deep sorrow after her divorce was finalized. "It's tough," she admitted. "There's a lot of hurt and sadness and disappointment. Grief. Massive grief. It's a mourning process, and yet nobody's died." Later in the interview, Headey opened up about her past struggles with depression. "I haven't had a spell in a long time," she said. "I think some people's brains are just wired that way if you're a thinker. People who never get anxious always amaze me. The world could be breaking up and they're saying, 'Everything's fine!' Getting older and having kids, you learn how to become less serious about it all."
Headey and Jerome Flynn don't speak to each other
Headey's messy divorce isn't the only time her dirty laundry has been aired in the tabloids. In 2014, word got out to The Telegraph that Headey and co-star Jerome Flynn, who plays low-born sellsword Bronn, were being kept apart from each other at all times. "Jerome and Lena aren't on speaking terms any more and they are never in the same room at the same time," a Game of Thrones crew member admitted to The Telegraph. "It's a pity because they appeared to have patched things up for a while, but now the word is they should be kept apart at all costs." The exact reason behind their on-set tension was not made clear. However, it may have something to do with the fact that Headey courted the mercenary more than a decade ago.
Ed Skrein's exit was really weird
In season 4, Game of Thrones opted to replace Ed Skrein with Dutch actor Michiel Huisman in the role of dashing sellsword Daario Naharis. What was the reason behind the very noticeable switch? Some speculated that Skrein was leaving to lead the new Transporter reboot. Skrein, meanwhile, said things went down a little differently. "It was a lot more political than that," he told Entertainment Weekly. "My plan was to stay with Game of Thrones for the long haul. That was always my plan. I would have loved to." He continued, "It was a wonderful experience, but politics led to us parting ways. And from there I just said, 'Okay, look forward, be positive. Keep calm and carry on.'"
Kit Harington got slammed for grumbling about his hunkiness
In 2015, Kit Harington, better known as Commander Jon Snow of the Night's Watch, took issue with being labeled a "hunk" by the troops of Hollywood. "To always be put on a pedestal as a hunk is slightly demeaning," he said, according to Page Six. "It really is and it's in the same way as it is for women. When an actor is seen only for her physical beauty, it can be quite offensive." Harington's comments came under fire by many who felt he was complaining about, you know, being better looking than 99 percent of the population. The backlash forced him to make a quick response during an interview with ABC News. "I kinda decided I'm going to be a good little hunk and shut up from now on," he said.
Even so, Harington took time out of his interview with Out magazine to clarify what he meant to say. "I was making a point, which was that I think young men do get objectified, do get sexualized unnecessarily," he said. "As a person who is definitely in that category, as a young leading man in this world, I feel I have a unique voice to talk about that. I was making a point to sort of say, 'It just needs to be highlighted.' With every photo shoot I ever go to, I'm told to take off my shirt, and I don't." (Insert "sad trombone" or "sad warhorn" here.)