Barbie: Marc Maron Slams Film's Male Haters – Calling Them Babies

Even though director Greta Gerwig's "Barbie" has passed the $1 billion mark at the global box office and has received rave reviews from all sides, things aren't all positive in Barbieland. Naturally, numerous folks — many of them men — have come out of the woodwork to offer their two cents on the film, throwing hatred toward it for one reason or another. While there are valid critiques to make of the film, much of this negativity lacks basis and substance, which comedian Marc Maron was more than happy to call out.

"The fact that certain men took offense is so embarrassing for them. I mean, so embarrassing for them," Maron said in a TikTok video shortly after seeing "Barbie." He felt that the men getting all riled up over what they may perceive to be digs at them throughout the feature need to take a long, hard look in the mirror. He added that this specific group of moviegoers is comprised of "a bunch of f****** insecure babies." Suffice to say, per usual, Maron didn't beat around the bush while explaining his stance.

Beneath the cursing and exaggeration, Maron does bring about a good point about how "Barbie" doesn't warrant an angry response from men. Rather, the film so many have touted as anti-men is actually on their side.

Barbie isn't the anti-man movie too many believe it to be

Though "Barbie" is undeniably about Barbie (Margot Robbie), the film is also very much focused on Ken (Ryan Gosling) as well. The goofy, impulsive Ken goes from a bumbling goof who desires nothing more than for Barbie to notice him and validate his existence to an oppressive, abusive macho man after learning about the patriarchy in the real world. In learning about male-dominated societies, he converts Barbieland into one, complete with Mojo Dojo Casa Houses and copies of "The Godfather." The Barbies — not knowing any better — fall into this trap and become objects for the Kens' enjoyment.

Despite all of this, Ken still feels empty because Barbie doesn't love him back. His incorrect notion that he is and always has been entitled to Barbie's attention pushed him to embrace toxic masculinity. He tries to be something he isn't and imposes his will on others because he's sick of feeling small. In the real world, this is something most, if not all, men have to contend with. The patriarchy pushes often impossible images and ideas of what a man should be while simultaneously telling men that they deserve everything. Thus, these standards push the overwhelming majority of men to grow up insecure, frustrated, and entitled, resulting in them hurting themselves and their loved ones in various ways.

"Barbie" makes its message to men abundantly clear, and it's not against them at all. Don't be afraid to reject the standards of the patriarchy. Be you and be kind to yourself and others.