The Witcher: Why Yennefer's Season 3 Power-Move Was So 'Embarrassing' For The Star

Throughout its first three seasons, "The Witcher" is packed with action beats that show off how Geralt of Rivia (Henry Cavill) and his team are not to be taken lightly. They've vanquished numerous foes over the seasons, but Season 3, Episode 6 — "Everybody Has a Plan 'til They Get Punched in the Face" — has a true highlight. 

Geralt and Yennefer (Anya Chalotra) take on Rience (Sam Woolf). He's been a shadowy figure up until this point before finally engaging in fisticuffs. But it proves to be anticlimactic in the best way when Yennefer throws her sword into the air, allowing Geralt to catch it and unceremoniously chop off his head. It shows how powerful everyone has become and how someone who seems like they're going to become a major player can be taken out just like that. 

But while it's an awesome moment, Chalotra revealed it was anything but while filming. While speaking with Vulture, the actress talked about how it didn't look cool on set, "I throw it, it lands on the floor." Thankfully, camera trickery saved the day: "Thank goodness the camera turns away from my face, because I'm like, 'Oh, that was embarrassing.' And then someone throws it to Henry fast, and fortunately, it looks cool." It's understandable that throwing the sword in such a way that Cavill could catch it and make his move would be near-impossible, but that's why there are large crews with these kinds of productions. 

In general, Anya Chalotra loves stunt work

Movie magic is all about taking things that don't look all that impressive and turning them into a spectacle. After all, there are entire industries that can turn footage of a person talking to a tennis ball and make it dynamic. Anya Chalotra is all too familiar with this, and she trusts the team to make her look cool in the finished product, as she goes on to say, "I do have to trust a lot of people, because in that moment, when I go [pantomimes throwing it], and it just falls flat on the floor, there's nothing worse."

But while that moment may not have looked like much during the day of shooting, Chalotra admitted she does enjoy scenes like it. It sounds like she does many of her own stunts and likes being able to bring powerful moments to life: "I love working with my body to make something. I've always wanted to do more of it." It's not just fight scenes that require choreography. Chalotra has stated previously how they drew from Indian dance to influence the scenes where Yennefer has to do magic to give them a bit more life. 

Chalotra should have plenty more moments to show off her commitment to the part. Netflix has already confirmed "The Witcher" Season 4 will happen, albeit with Liam Hemsworth taking over the role of Geralt from Henry Cavill. But the action should remain the same, so fans wanting to see Chalotra continue to kick butt should be happy.