The Challenge - Why Did Shane Get Kicked Off & Where Is He Now?

Shane Raines competed on two seasons of "The Challenge" and went home early both times. Whereas his first disqualification was out of his control, the second was the result of a fight he got into with another cast member.

In 2015, Raines debuted on "The Challenge" Season 27, subtitled "Battle of the Bloodlines." Plenty of viewers were already familiar with his brother Tony from "Real World: Skeletons," and Raines joined per that season's gimmick pairing each of its existing reality show stars with a relative. After Tony fell and ruptured his spleen, the series' producers sent both of them home since that season required its sibling teams to remain intact.

Raines and his brother returned in 2017 for Season 30, subtitled "Dirty 30." He only lasted two episodes filmed during the competition's first week, however, after fighting "Are You the One?" Season 1 competitor Simone Kelly, resulting in them both being kicked off "The Challenge." In their fight's wake, both Raines and Kelly have separately recounted the night's events and effectively blamed the other participant.

Shane left the world of reality TV behind after he was eliminated from The Challenge

While they both agree that their conflict stemmed from Shane Raines turning down Simone Kelly's request to help moisturize her scalp — she asked because he has cosmetology experience — Raines claimed in a podcast interview that he was sober and simply holding Kelly back to deescalate a physical altercation once they came to blows. Kelly, meanwhile, detailed her side at length in an Instagram video. She recollected Raines drinking heavily that night and escalating their fight first verbally and then physically. She described MTV's framing of and response to the conflict as evidence that the network has an issue with sometimes platforming people with racist views. Nevertheless, she personally forgave Raines.

Nowadays, Raines is no longer a public figure save for running a Cameo business based on his time on "The Challenge." According to his Instagram bio, he currently works as a stylist and makeup artist at a salon in Lafayette, Louisiana. He even runs a separate Instagram account showcasing some of his clients' haircuts and makeup. From the look of it, then, his fight with Kelly effectively ended his reality show career, apparently leading him to decide instead to simply focus on pursuing cosmetology as he had started to during the time he was competing on "The Challenge."