The Boys Theory Exposes A Disturbing Homelander & Stormfront Connection

No show has succeeded in tearing down the paragons of the superhero subgenre like "The Boys" has. Lampooning both DC and Marvel in equal measure while making its own snide commentaries about virtue signaling, corporate greed, and the morally gray compromises that must sometimes be made in order to achieve a greater good, the Prime Video series has made for some incredibly addictive viewing over the course of its three seasons.

However, that doesn't mean that "The Boys" is exactly what you'd call a comfortable watch. As if the fascistic Superman stand-in Homelander (Antony Starr) wasn't bad enough on his own, a Season 2 twist paired him up with a straight-up Nazi in the form of Stormfront (Aya Cash). Still, that might not even be the most disturbing part about their union. On the r/fantheories subreddit, one user postulated that Stormfront might actually be Homelander's mother.

"Homelander's biological father is Soldier Boy, from whom he inherited his immense strength," wrote u/Totally_Not_Thanos. "But where did the rest of his powers come from? The ability to shoot hot plasma beams from his eyes and fly had to come from somewhere. Luckily we've met a Supe who has those abilities and is both alive and able to have kids around the time of Homelander's birth. Stormfront," they asserted.

This could be Game of Thrones levels of messed up

Though it has long been clear that pretty much nothing is off the table in the world of "The Boys," incest is a new one for fans of this series. Still, when you consider the timeline and the similarity of their powersets, along with Homelander's obvious Aryan characteristics, it starts to seem like he really could be the product of Nazis, up to and including his mother.

Most pivotally, though, the Redditor also drew upon the hero's mommy issues and milk obsession to drive the point home about "The Boys" character. "From a meta-perspective, Homelander has major mommy issues, and the whole Oedipus parallels are just too good to pass up," wrote u/Totally_Not_Thanos.

For those uninitiated in ancient classics, "Oedipus Rex" is a tragedy that follows the titular character, who unknowingly sleeps with his mother. As for the theory, though we know that Stormfront was not Homelander's mother in the comics, as the character was a man in Garth Ennis' original series, she definitely could be his mother in the Prime Video adaptation. Let's just hope that we never have to find out for sure one way or the other.