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Star Trek: Why Simon Pegg Was 'Almost Annoyed' By His Scotty Casting

Simon Pegg wasn't a fan how he got his "Star Trek" gig. 

When it comes to living the geek dream, Pegg has done it all. The British actor, thanks to his charming writing and quick wit, has managed to become a Hollywood favorite, having played a key hand in several iconic franchises. After becoming a cult favorite in his native United Kingdom thanks to his collaborations with writer-director Edgar Wright, Pegg was offered a brief role in the J.J. Abrams-directed "Mission: Impossible III" as the quirky Benji. While Pegg's role in the spy threequel was minimal, it paved the way for the actor to work with maverick creative on "Star Trek" as Scotty. 

Speaking with Vanity Fair, Pegg opened up about how Scotty has become one of the most iconic and memorable characters that he's played. Despite the level of fame that Scotty has afforded him, Pegg has a few issues with how Abrams offered him "Star Trek" role. The actor explained how Abrams casually e-mailed him an offer to pop up in the 2009 film. "And I was almost annoyed by that," Pegg said regarding the e-mail. "The tenacity of it irked me. Because you can't just throw the ball into my court like that and expect me to smash it back," he added, before discussing how he wanted some time to think about taking on the role. And while Pegg was ready to sign on as the iconic character, he was hoping for a more elaborate offering from Abrams. "But it just felt like such a, like he was just handing me this massive opportunity, and I wanted dinner and a movie," Pegg concluded. 

For Pegg, joining the "Star Trek" franchise became a career highlight, allowing him to take on a new role in the iconic franchise. 

Simon Pegg has co-written a Star Trek movie

Since his debut apperance as Scotty in 2009's "Star Trek," Simon Pegg has become a household name. The actor has managed to find himself in multiple franchises, collaborating  with some of the most iconic working directors. Pegg later appeared in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens," which was directed by his "Star Trek" helmer J. J. Abrams. He was also cast in a pivotal role in Steven Spielberg's beloved "Ready Player One" adaptation. Despite the franchise fare he's becomes known for, Pegg continues to perform in smaller productions, lending his talents to the underrated rom-com "Man Up" and the deeply hilarious sci-fi comedy "Paul." 

Despite his diverse resume, Pegg continues to stand out as Scotty in the "Star Trek" franchise. After appearing in the Abrams-directed sequel "Into Darkness," Pegg was afforded a massive opportunity to shape "Star Trek" in his own image. Following the release of "Into Darkness," Pegg was roped in by Paramount Pictures to co-write the threequel "Beyond" alongside Doug Jung. While speaking with Collider, Pegg opened up about how it was a privilege to co-write and shape up a "Star Trek" film. "Being given the keys to the 'Star Trek' universe was an extraordinary privilege," Pegg said. "I know 'Star Trek' means a lot to a lot of different people. It means an enormous amount to some people." 

While "Star Trek: Beyond" proved to be a critical success, the future of the "Star Trek" franchise on the big screen seems to be uncertain. During a chat at FedCon (via Trek Movie), Pegg candidly opened up about how a hypothetical "Star Trek 4" can only manifest if all the actors can get together. "As soon as they can figure out our moment we can we could all be together, I'm sure we'll do it," Pegg said.

Simon Pegg wasn't annoyed his Star Wars casting

It's hard to imagine Simon Pegg being as prolific as he currently is without his "Star Trek" clout. While he'll always be known for starring in Edgar Wright's Cornetto trilogy, it's his collaborations with J.J. Abrams that have made the British actor one of the most well-known stars in Hollywood. The two first worked together on "Mission: Impossible III," which also happened to be the first time Pegg witnessed Abrams' casual attitude when it came to offering parts. "J.J. had seen 'Shaun of the Dead,' and called me up, and just offered me the ["Mission: Impossible"] role," Pegg told Men's Health. "It was just, straight, man-to-man, which is very, very J.J. He's a very can-do guy, so he just got my number, called me, and said 'Hey, do you want to come and do this?'" Pegg continued, adding that Abrams did the same thing for his "Star Trek" gig. 

While Pegg has reprised his "Star Trek" role thrice, it's the "Mission: Impossible" franchise that's become the gift that keeps on giving. Pegg has become a staple of the franchise, joining Tom Cruise for every mission since the Abrams-directed "III." Beyond "Mission: Impossible" and "Star Trek," Pegg continues to collaborate with Abrams. The actor lent his talents to the Bad Robot produced "The Cloverfield Paradox" and even appeared in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" as the nefarious Unkar Plutt. 

Continuing his chat with Vanity Fair, Pegg revealed that Abrams offered him the "Star Wars" role the way he had always wanted. "Oddly, when he offered me the role in 'Star Wars,' he did take me out to dinner ... so he's learning," Pegg shared.