Marvel's New G.O.D.S. Series Will Question All We Know About The Multiverse

Contains spoilers for Marvel Comics' "G.O.D.S."

Marvel Comics is taking an ambitious swing with a new series, "G.O.D.S." Written by Jonathan Hickman and with artwork by Valerio Schiti and colors by Marte Gracia, "G.O.D.S." aims to redefine the scientific, cosmic, and magical side of the Marvel Universe. But it's also introducing several new significant magically inclined characters into its upcoming events.

Few details about Hickman's follow-up to his game-changing run on the X-Men have been shared. However, this week Marvel gave Looper a peek behind the curtain to show us the most information received about "G.O.D.S." thus far. For seasoned comic book fans, this series represents quite a curveball, as the story explores a conflict between those who serve some of the most potent forces in existence — including Eternity, the Living Tribunal, and Infinity. Despite the secrecy about "G.O.D.S.," Marvel has shared several bits of information that should excite readers.

What is G.O.D.S.?

Marvel Comics initially announced the "G.O.D.S" series months ago, revealing that "House of X/Powers of X" architect Jonathan Hickman would team up with renowned artist Valerio Schiti ("A.X.E.: Judgement Day") for something completely new to the Marvel Universe. Of course, with that promise comes plenty of new characters to meet. There is Wyn, a powerful expert in magic who emerges after keeping his presence secret for thousands of years — though he made a brief appearance in "X-Men: Hellfire Gala." Wyn will be joined by Dmitri the Science Boy, his partner with a dark agenda. Then there is Aiko Maki, who is "brutally loyal" to science and desires to maintain order for creation's building blocks. Mia the Magical Girl is a young sorcerer still coming to terms with her incredible powers. Lastly, we'll meet Cubisk Core, a being of "pure corruption" who has one goal: destroy.

"G.O.D.S." will position these characters to emerge from the Marvel Universe's shadows to share forbidden knowledge with heroes. In the last month, several comics featured a bonus page written by Hickman that showed these "G.O.D.S." interacting with heroes — like Wyn briefly meeting Doctor Strange. (Wyn asked for his stuff if he dies. Of course, Wyn was rejected.) But this interaction between Doctor Strange and Wyn suggests that the Sorcerer Supreme is aware of the secretive character and his importance with THE-POWERS-THAT-BE.


Additionally, Marvel Comics shared a new trailer for "G.O.D.S.," which helps paint a clearer picture of what's happening in the series. In the teaser, Wyn is alongside Doctor Strange, and the two are in front of the Inhuman teleportation machine, Eldrac. Strange informs Wyn that Eldrac will send him not where they want to go but where they "need" to go when the world needs saving. After stepping inside Eldrac, they find themselves in front of a multi-eyed being who has overtaken an area with tentacles. While the character isn't named, they appear to be a source of conflict for Wyn. Perhaps they are the main villain of the series?

The rest of the trailer showcases several new characters, designs, monsters, cosmic settings, and high-concept ideas with familiar and previously unseen faces. Yes, that all sounds vague, as Marvel is intentionally keeping audiences in the dark about "G.O.D.S." to not spoil any cosmic events ahead — a bold strategy for fans who prefer to know plots upfront. Still, with Hickman and Valerio Schiti leading the charge, the ambitious storyline feels like this will become a can't-miss new entry in Marvel's comic canon.

What's coming up in G.O.D.S.?

For the first four issues of "G.O.D.S.," plot descriptions leave more questions than answers. Issue #1 teases "the infinite détente between THE-NATURAL-ORDER-OF-THINGS and THE-POWERS-THAT-BE nears an end." The solicit mentions a meeting between old acquaintances at a "Babylon Event," and adds: "Don't look under the table. There's a John Wilkes Booth penny on the ground."

Meanwhile, the second issue shares: "Centum normally has twenty-five Primes, now only three remain. College isn't worth the time or the money. There's a hidden book in the hidden library that hides a hidden door. Cubisk Core is from Georgia, and that matters."

Future issues will showcase a character named Cassandra — someone cursed with knowledge of future events but no one believes her. The rest of the preview for issue three feels like a puzzle, stating: "There are Black Swans in the bar. Oblivion wants to drink alone, but kids these days don't respect authority figures. Most of the ingredients are illegal outside of Hell's Kitchen." Issue four hints: [The] "guy in the Beekeeper suit is holding a thing that's freaking everyone out. A Skinner box is bigger on the inside than the outside. The Avatar makes an enemy on the Axis of Power. If you save the universe and no one remembers, is it worth it? Maybe."

Good luck determining what those teases mean, readers, as they sound like something out of "Twin Peaks." But we're curious to see what the future holds.

Marvel Comics' "G.O.D.S." issue #1 arrives in comic book stores and online retailers on October 4, 2023.