Ahsoka: Twitter/X Has A LOT To Say About Episode 3 (And Only One Major Complaint)

Three episodes into its run, "Ahsoka" already seems to be a hit with "Star Wars" fans. After all, it wasn't long after the series' two-episode premiere last week that viewers were already coming up with theories about its future. Consequently, while its viewership numbers currently lag behind several of Disney+'s other "Star Wars" originals, it seems safe to say that the show has so far struck the right nerve with, at the very least, a portion of its viewers. In its second week, it doesn't look like the series' win streak has been broken yet, either.

Indeed, it may have only just premiered on Disney+, but fans have already begun to share their passionate responses to "Ahsoka" Episode 3. On Twitter, for instance, @jakejameslugo tweeted their immediate reaction to the installment, writing, "That episode was a nice big W for the show... That right there was some GOOD 'Star Wars,'" while @bricksoka similarly observed, "You know a show is good when you're literally screaming at the screen for the episode not to end!"

Those two tweets are far from the only positive responses that "Ahsoka" Episode 3 has received in the hours since its premiere. As a matter of fact, "Star Wars" fans only seem to have one real problem with the latest installment of "Ahsoka," and that's its shortened 37-minute runtime. One viewer said as much in their tweet about it, noting, "Hopefully[,] future episodes are longer and over the 45-min mark."

Star Wars fans wish Ahsoka Episode 3 was longer

The "Star Wars" fan quoted above isn't the only viewer who's taken issue with "Ahsoka" Episode 3's surprisingly succinct runtime. The new chapter is, notably, around 20 minutes shorter than the "Ahsoka" premiere, which runs 57 minutes long, and nearly 10 minutes shorter than the series' second installment, which clocks in at 44 minutes long. On Twitter, @KeithALund specifically pointed out that difference, writing, "Episode 3 of #Ahsoka was good. I wish it was longer. [We] got spoiled with two longer episodes to start the series." Elsewhere, another "Star Wars" fan confessed, "'Ahsoka' Episode 3 was really good but I'm tired of these 35-minute episodes with 5 minutes of credits..."

Altogether, it seems like "Ahsoka" Episode 3 has done what all great TV installments should, which is leave its audience wanting more. Based on several early responses to the episode, it looks like it has also further increased fans' interest in some of their own theories. That's clear in all of the online reactions that focus specifically on the character of Marrok and his still-hidden identity. 

The former Inquisitor's name is mentioned in multiple tweets about "Ahsoka" Episode 3, including one from @RealCyberkitten, who argues that his seemingly apparent use of a voice changer may mean he really is secretly a character that fans already know. Whether or not that assumption is correct remains to be seen. There are, of course, still a lot of questions surrounding Marrok and a number of the show's other characters and plot threads.

One thing that seems clear, however, is that "Ahsoka" has already succeeded at making "Star Wars" fans interested in finding out the truth behind its various mysteries, which is something that's far easier said than done.