Marvel May Have Solved The MCU's Scarlet Witch Problem ... With Loki?

Contains spoilers for "Scarlet Witch" #8

Scarlet Witch and Loki's latest comic adventure reminds readers of what makes Scarlet Witch great and how the Marvel Cinematic Universe can better develop the character in future movies. 

Elizabeth Olsen has helped bring Scarlet Witch to life in the MCU, with the hero playing a prominent role in multiple Avengers films, "WandaVision," and most recently in "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness." Olsen's excellent performance has made Scarlet Witch a household name to non-comic readers. While Wanda Maximoff's MCU future is unclear, Olsen is expected to return to the role in the future. And if she comes back in a future Marvel flick, her characterization should borrow some elements from the current "Scarlet Witch" comic series, which shows off what makes the magic user such a great character to begin with. 

While Olsen's Scarlet Witch has experienced some significant trauma and taken a turn for the dark side (as she has before in the comics), seeing Wanda's human side would be a nice change of pace. Scarlet Witch has a surprise character she should be paired with, as she has more in common with Loki than you might believe. The pairing brings out the humanity in characters often seen as larger than life.

An unlikely visitor pits Scarlet Witch and Loki together

In "Scarlet Witch," by Steve Orlando, Lorenzo Tammetta, Sara Pichelli, Frank William, and VC's Cory Petit, Wanda Maximoff operates the Emporium, a magic shop in New York City run alongside her close friend Darcy Lewis. The store offers remedies, spells, and more magical assistance to those looking for answers in the otherworldly. The most important part of the Emporium is the Last Door, a magical doorway that brings those who need help directly to Scarlet Witch. So far, she's helped Viv Vision and even villains such as Bookworm with problems her powers and knowledge are specifically able to deal with. Wanda has provided as much aid as possible, regardless of who has come through.

In "Scarlet Witch" #8, the Last Door ends up bringing a mountain giant named Arkin to the Emporium. Wanda and Darcy inquire if he's after revenge on Loki for becoming the ruler of Jotunheim and robbing him of his birthright as a representative of what's left of his people. Scarlet Witch consents to help Arkin, agreeing he has been wronged by the Trickster God. She tells the giant she will help him "if only to see the look on Loki's face." 

Wanda (and her father's clone Joseph) travel to Jotunheim to confront Loki, leading to a poignant meet-up between Scarlet Witch and the recently crowned king. The surprise get-together leads Scarlet Witch to cast a spell to get Loki to be honest, leading to a heartbreaking back-and-forth between the two fan-favorite characters.

Scarlet Witch is more than a rage monster

After Scarlet Witch makes a case for Loki to give Arkin and his people what they deserve and is told power doesn't come with sympathy by her horned adversary, the two agree to a duel of honesty. What follows is a series of admissions from Wanda Maximoff and Loki Laufeyson as the truth spell has them revealing their shared moments. They both share they were ripped from their parents and grew up to be judged on what they have become. Loki reveals his brother has continually beaten him, while Scarlet Witch shares she knows her brother Pietro still fears her. Loki adds his original father is dead, while Wanda says her true father also passed away. 

The two continue to share personal traumas in the duel, with Scarlet Witch revealing she allowed herself to be murdered in the Trial of Magneto storyline to make her crimes against mutants right. Loki's most heartbreaking admission comes when he tells Scarlet Witch he knows his current path will one day cost him his life and that he can "live as a liar or die as a hero," but either way, he's punished. 

Wanda tells Loki he's a kindred spirit and understands what it means to fight your whole life to avoid going on a path other people set you on. She says she sees "kinship. A friend. Perhaps more..." and the two nearly share a kiss before Scarlet Witch pulls away and says "perhaps" is as far as they'll ever get since Loki isn't always truthful like he was forced to be in the duel. The revelation leads Loki to yield, not wanting to explore more of the truth of who he is and could be — leading him to grant Arkin the chance to represent his people.

How the MCU can evolve Scarlet Witch

The interaction between Scarlet Witch and Loki shows how the character can evolve in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In the comics (and the specific encounter in "Scarlet Witch"), she has moved on from becoming an uber-powerful grief-consumed person, as she's trying to do the right thing with the Emporium by using her powers to help people who need it. She's yet to make that full step in the MCU as she was last seen in "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" sacrificing herself after seeing the error of her ways following being further corrupted by the Darkhold.

Scarlet Witch being a full-fledged hero while not ignoring her dark past illustrates the character at her best. She sympathizes with Loki and his twisted upbringing, connecting with him by admitting she's had similar issues and challenges. 

While Loki and Scarlet Witch might seem like an odd pairing in the MCU, the comic highlights they are more similar than you might expect, as their stories mirror each other's, meaning if Marvel ever wanted to show off the more sympathetic side of Wanda Maximoff, pairing her with Loki would be an excellent way to move the magical villain into a more heroic role and put her on a much more positive path. She's been through enough in live action; it's time for her to heal and be given a real shot at redemption. Even Elizabeth Olsen wants her to lighten up a little.

Readers can see Scarlet Witch and Loki duel over shared truths in "Scarlet Witch" #8, from Marvel Comics, which is in comic book stores and available at online retailers now.