50 First Dates: Is Drew Barrymore's Lucy Based On A Real Person?

Along with fantasy jobs and dream apartments, outlandish plot lines are one of the key staples of the romantic comedy. That's why, despite its somewhat bizarre premise, "50 First Dates" fits right into the genre. The film follows Henry (Adam Sandler) as he takes on the near-impossible task of trying to have a consistent relationship with a woman named Lucy (Drew Barrymore), who has anterograde amnesia.

While conditions like this are often misused as convenient plot devices in films and television, Lucy's amnesia in "50 First Dates" could plausibly happen. In fact, it has. Michelle Philpots had two car accidents in the 1990s that led her to develop a similar condition due to the head trauma she sustained from the incidents.

However, her condition is much more unstable than Lucy's in the film. For instance, when Philpots sat down with Matt Lauer for a Today interview, she had already forgotten the host's name by the time the interview was over. Either way, because of the similarities between her real-life condition and Lucy's fictional one, some have concluded that Philpots' story must have helped to inspire "50 First Dates."

Though there has been no official confirmation from the cast and crew of "50 First Dates" that Philpots' case was the inspiration for Lucy in the film, her story does offer an in-depth look at what life really looks like for someone suffering from anterograde amnesia.

Her condition has also drawn comparisons to another comedy

Though Michelle Philpots' condition may have gone on to inspire "50 First Dates," the above article actually compared her life to "Groundhog's Day." That's because, as far as Philpots is concerned, she is reliving the same day back in 1994 every single day. As her memories are wiped, she essentially starts over with a clean slate.

Another key difference between "50 First Dates" and the real story is that Michelle Philpots' husband, Ian, met her before the two vehicular accidents that caused her anterograde amnesia. Thus, luckily for Ian, she does at least remember him, even if he has to explain a lot of things to his wife on a daily basis.

Furthermore, like Lucy in "50 First Dates," Philpots uses Post-it notes to remind her of important facts. However, WatchMojo noted that she also uses a calendar on her mobile phone to aid her in keeping up with what she's supposed to be doing. Perhaps the most inspiring part of her story, though, is that it may be helping others with similar conditions like dementia. Many family members of people with dementia have taken to doing what Henry does in "50 First Dates" and creating a video for their loved one to watch every day in hopes of simplifying things for the patient while sharing their love. That's ultimately a beautiful legacy for any film to have.