Naruto: One Powerful Attack Ignited A Controversial Theory (That Totally Failed)

As long as people possess the ability to talk about works of fiction on the internet, fans will promulgate theories that entire TV series don't take place in reality but in imagined dreamworlds. "Naruto" sequel "Boruto" is one such show that a number of fans, with varying degrees of sincerity, have begun suggesting is all, actually, a dream.

This stems from the canonical existence of a technique under the genjutsu umbrella called the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Once activated, practically any living being under its thrall is induced into a state of permanent dreaming until their life force is harvested. Since Naruto has accomplished his biggest personal goals of acting as Konohagakure's seventh Hokage and raising a family in "Boruto," some fans have proposed that what viewers and readers of the manga are actually witnessing is not a true continuation of the "Naruto" timeline but Naruto's consciousness under the influence of the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Structurally, this resembles a technique called the Multiverse Labyrinth from Gainax anime "Gurren Lagann," which is almost nonsensical by design.

Of course, this theory doesn't hold up all that well under scrutiny, which most of those discussing its feasibility are quick to point out whenever it pops up as a subject of conversation among "Naruto" fans online.

Plenty of Naruto fans are skeptical of the Infinite Tsukuyomi theory

Since the Infinite Tsukuyomi theory began inspiring lively discussions across various social media platforms — including Quora, Twitter, and Reddit — fans have consistently pointed out that it's little more than a fun thought experiment and altogether not worthy of serious consideration.

For example, Reddit user nhafilaar13 started a thread in December 2022 arguing that the notion "Boruto" is all happening inside Naruto's head is the single worst theory about the series. Chief among their complaints is the fact that, were it true, Naruto would be envisioning coutnless bad things happening to those closest to him — hardly suitable for a heroic protagonist's idyllic dreamworld. "It was a fun meme until people started seriously believing in it," wrote user KanekiTheSav in response.

User GamerDabiTodoroki likewise started a Reddit thread in June of 2023 pointing out that the principal argument against the Infinite Tsukuyomi theory is the unending hardship he would implicitly be inflicting on his only son. "Boruto hater copium, it's as simple as that. There's no weight to it, and goes against both the in-universe lore and Naruto's character," user HomemadeBee1612 replied.

So, while the Infinite Tsukuyomi theory may be a semi-frequent topic of conversation, "Naurto" fans are plenty vocal about its infeasibility every time it reenters the discourse.