AHS Star Angelica Ross Accuses Emma Roberts Of Transphobic On-Set Behavior

During an Instagram livestream, a portion of which was widely circulated on X, formerly known as Twitter, actor Angelica Ross accused Emma Roberts of transphobic behavior while they were working together on the fan-favorite "American Horror Story: 1984."

At the start of this viral clip of her Instagram livestream, Ross recounts a time when Roberts complained in a jokey manor to director and producer John J. Gray that she was being mean. He responded by saying something like, "Okay ladies, that's enough. Let's get back to work." Roberts, apparently, then replied, "Don't you mean lady?" while looking directly at Ross for a moment before breaking eye contact and pivoting in the opposite direction.

Ross then alleges that this wasn't the first time someone felt uncomfortable around Roberts on set. Previously, she says, another member of the cast or crew spoke up about something similar Roberts said or did only to be reprimanded. As a result, Ross felt discouraged from responding to Roberts' comment in that moment, not wanting the same fate to befall her. Instead, she resolved to simply stop speaking to Roberts. "You've been playing mind games with everybody on the set," she continues at the clip's conclusion.

Ross alluded to transphobia on the set of AHS in 2019

In light of Angelica Ross' allegations of Emma Roberts' transphobic comment and otherwise disruptive behavior on the set of "American Horror Story: 1984," another user on the X platform reposted a portion of a 2019 video in which Ross joins co-stars Billie Lourd, Cody Fern and Gus Kenworthy to watch the televised premiere of their "American Horror Story" season. Roberts is notably absent, its caption points out.

At one point in the video, Ross shouts out LGBTQ+ fans of "AHS" and continues, "We are watching for all the transphobia on set." She then laughs at the notion that she and Lourd will personally handle transphobic incidents before simply advertising "AHS: 1984." The fact that she thought to mention on-set transphobia back then now takes on a new meaning given her account of this time Roberts explicitly misgendered her.

After her clip went viral, Ross further addressed the situation on the X platform and shared that Roberts apologized to her. "Thank you @RobertsEmma for calling and apologizing, recognizing your behavior was not that of an ally," she wrote. "I will leave the line open to follow up on your desire to do better and support social justice causes with your platform.