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Marvel Fan Spots A Loki Season 1 Detail That Makes Zero Sense

"Loki" Season 1 wasn't just well-received by critics and audiences, it also held major ramifications for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. At the end of "Loki," viewers meet Jonathan Majors' He Who Remains, a variant of Marvel's new big bad, Kang the Conqueror. The series showed how the multiverse is in a fragile state of flux — setting up the major perils facing MCU's Phase Five. 

Still, all of these multiversal rules crafted some moments that don't quite add up. When attempting to locate a Loki (Tom Hiddleston) variant in Season 1, the God of Mischief realizes they're traveling to apocalypses. The Time Variance Authority tracks down the other Loki to an Alabama hurricane in 2050 that's categorized as a "Class Ten Apocalypse." However, when looking at paperwork concerning significant destruction in the TVA, viewers later see a slip related to Asgard and its destruction during Ragnarok, which is only considered a "Class Seven Apocalypse."

Redditor u/raisedbysquirrels points out that the destruction of an entire planet seems to warrant a higher apocalypse category than a hurricane wiping out a town. Of course, we don't fully know how the TVA defines these classifications or how they rank these categories. And that's resulted in a ton of speculation in that same Reddit thread.

Marvel fans speculate Asgard could've had more survivors than the Alabama hurricane

Wherever there are inconsistencies within Marvel, there will be fans trying to make sense of what's presented. That's the case with the supposed incongruity within "Loki" Season 1. Redditor u/For-All-the-Marbles posits, "It could be like DEFCON: the lower the number, the worse the situation." This would make sense given the two events where counting down signifies greater destruction, with a Class One Apocalypse perhaps being on the scale of Thanos' snap. 

Another explanation comes from u/TheNicholasRage, who states: "I'll bet it's about the number of survivors." This also makes a great deal of sense. The paperwork in "Loki" states that 9,719 Asgardians perished when Surtur destroyed Asgard. However, many were saved on the ship brought by Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and eventually settled on New Asgard. The exact number of survivors isn't clear — especially since it didn't take long for Thanos to wipe out a good chunk of the survivors. However, another theory on Reddit speculates that the current number of Asgardians saved is 2,500. Since some survive the event, Asgard's destruction only gets labeled a "Class Seven." In contrast, the total number of fatalities from the Alabama hurricane is listed as 10,835. Sadly, it's inferred no one survived the catastrophe. Perhaps "Loki" Season 2 will shine a better light on this ranking system.