What Happened To Nabila From Storage Wars?

Many bidders have come and gone from "Storage Wars" over the years, but a short-lived participant who nevertheless made an impact was Nabila Haniss. She was a recurring bidder on the A&E series from Seasons 2 through 4, and she earned herself the nickname "Paris Hilton" due to her acquiring a storage unit owned by the heiress and getting into some legal mishaps before she was on the show. It made her a force to be reckoned with right from the start, but things have been quiet from her over the last couple of years. 

Nabila from "Storage Wars" has kept a low profile. She has Facebook, Instagram, and X (formerly known as Twitter) accounts but hasn't posted anything in a while. Her most recent posts on X came in August 2022 and were about conservative politics rather than anything about her business. Her eBay store, grumpyzstuff, is also conspicuously empty, as there are presently no items for sale. 

Anyone wondering what Nabila from "Storage Wars" is doing today is going to turn up disappointed. She's an enigma and has seemingly stepped out of the limelight with little for fans to go off of. 

Nabila from Storage Wars may be tired of ending up with controversial purchases

Nabila Haniss may not be particularly active on social media, but she's had some noteworthy purchases outside of "Storage Wars." In 2013, TMZ reported how she had acquired another famous woman's old storage unit — Tila Tequila. Haniss even reached out to see if the social media personality wanted to get her stuff back but never heard from her. According to a 2019 report from The Blast, Haniss allegedly purchased a unit containing what looked like military gear. The feds seized it as part of an ongoing investigation.

All of this combined definitely makes Nabila from "Storage Wars" one of the most noteworthy bidders in the game, so it's a bit odd she hasn't capitalized on this notoriety, even if it's by staying active on social media. One explanation could be that she simply doesn't have to work anymore. Multiple sites allege that she's estimated to have $10 million. If that's accurate, it's possible she's out of the storage locker bidding industry and wants to lay low for the time being. 

Nabila Haniss was a welcome, mischievous presence on "Storage Wars," known for her spitfire attitude and penchant for pulling pranks on her fellow bidders to get them to spend more money than they should on lockers. Maybe one day she'll make a glorious return to "Storage Wars" and show everyone how she learned some new tricks.