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Star Wars: Are Nightsisters More Powerful Than Jedi?

The Nightsisters of Dathomir occupy a unique place in "Star Wars" lore. Like the Jedi and Sith, the witches are able to tap into the Force and display significant power. What's more, the Nightsisters draw upon the magical element of the galaxy's energy source, which is an aspect of the Force that the Jedi don't really understand. The magical beings are a threat to anyone who gets on their bad side, but, generally speaking, they really aren't more powerful than Jedi.

In actuality, only the most powerful Nightsisters can contend with the true Jedi masters. One of the most famous examples is Mother Talzin (Barbara Goodson), whose sword is one of the few weapons that's stronger than a lightsaber. "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" portrays the witch as an extremely powerful figure who instills concern in Darth Sidious (Ian Abercrombie), proving that she's a match for anyone. That said, she's also one of the few Nightsisters who can stand toe-to-toe with the most skilled commanders of the Force.

For the most part, the Nightsisters haven't fared well in battle against other Force-sensitive warriors. In fact, there are some instances where their most powerful leaders have even come up short against non-Force-sensitive beings as well.

The Nightsisters don't have the best track record in battle

Let's look at the history of the Nightsisters in battle to determine how powerful they really are. The "Ahsoka" Season 1 finale features a showdown between Ahsoka Tano (Rosario Dawson) and Morgan Elsbeth (Diana Lee Inosanto), which ends with the Jedi coming out on top. Ultimately, this proves that the most skilled Jedi warriors are capable of defeating notable witches of Dathomir and Peridea.

That said, the Nightsisters don't have the best track record against Sith, either. Season 3's "Nightsisters" episode of "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" sees Ventress (Nika Futterman) lead a coven to take down Count Dooku (Corey Burton), but he's able to fend them off on his own, even while under the influence of a poisoned dart. Likewise, Sidious wipes the floor with Darth Maul (Sam Witwer) and Savage Opress (Clancy Brown), both of whom were born to Nightsisters, during their big battle scene in the aforementioned animated series.

Furthermore, the Nightsisters don't even fare well against General Grievous. The ruthless warrior visits Dathomir and wipes out their clans in "The Clone Wars," and he even gets the better of Daka — who's regarded as the most powerful Nightsister — during the battle. Grievous is a juggernaut who's destroyed his fair share of Jedi, too, but even he fell to Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) in the end. The Nightsisters are definitely the most magical beings in the galaxy far, far away, but the best Jedi are the most formidable warriors.