Zack Snyder's Justice League Art Shows How Steppenwolf's Body Looks Under The Armor

"Justice League" went through quite a ride after its initial release. After the movie was taken over midway by Joss Whedon, fans of the previous film noted the change in tone and how inconsistent characters had become with regard to how they had previously behaved. The fan outcry would eventually lead to the restored version of "Zack Snyder's Justice League" seeing the light of day.

Showcasing major changes to both the heroes and villains of the DCEU, "Zack Snyder's Justice League" was reviewed much better than its predecessor and restored the hope that the Snyderverse could return. While that hasn't happened as such, concept artist and creature designer Jerad S. Marantz has some fresh looks on Instagram at the main villain of the film, Steppenwolf (Ciaran Hinds).

Most fascinating of all is a version of the "Justice League" villain that shows him without his armor. Since we only see a bare minimum of Steppenwolf's face peeking out in the movie, this look helps fans understand his physiology a lot more. While his body shape remains strange in proportion to our own, we can see that he's pretty shredded, consisting basically of all lean muscle. Veins are also visible beneath his skin, showing that he at least has some kind of circulatory system, just like humans do.

There were also alternate versions of Steppenwolf's armor

The artist also revealed two other looks at the character from the design phase. The second showcases Steppenwolf with much darker armor than he had in the final version of "Zack Snyder's Justice League." The villain appears with much more pronounced horns here, and what appear to be silver-colored teeth can be seen in his mouth.

However, even more striking is the third design that the artist shared. Here, we see Steppenwolf sporting a black suit with red tinting from the chest piece up. One commenter on this imposing design even suggested that Warner Bros. may not have gone with this version because it may have outshone the main baddie, Darkseid (Ray Porter).

"They probably didn't go with this 'cause they wanted Darkseid to look scarier," they wrote. 'Cause, at this point, he doesn't compare to this version of Step Bro." Whether we'll be seeing Steppenwolf or Darkseid make their grand returns in James Gunn and Peter Safran's DCU or not, these designs remain pretty hard to top.