Finding Nemo Theory Explains Why The Post-Credits Death Is Darker Than You Think

2003's "Finding Nemo" is one of the best Pixar movies ever, which is surprising considering it's also one of the darkest. The film opens with Marlin's (Albert Brooks) entire family getting massacred sans Nemo (Alexander Gould). But a fan theory suggests there's something darker at play, and it concerns a character you may have forgotten about. 

TikToker @lemuelgeekofficial lays out the theory regarding Blenny, the timid fish seen during the sequence where the sharks talk about their desire to no longer eat fish. At first glance, it seems as though Blenny is a friend of some kind, and he's shaking vigorously as though he's scared. But the theory states that Blenny isn't scared; he's going through withdrawals because he, too, no longer wants to eat fish. And he swims away because he doesn't want to put Marlin and Dory (Ellen DeGeneres) in harm's way. 

This is backed up at the end of the credits where Blenny's on-screen with a monstrous-looking anglerfish. The tables are turned when Blenny devours the anglerfish in one bite. It initially comes off as a laugh, but it supports the theory that Blenny is as bloodthirsty as those sharks. He wasn't a guest of honor at their meeting; he also wanted help but swam away before he could get it. 

Blenny would be the fourth shark referenced in Finding Dory

There's further evidence to support this theory in the sequel, "Finding Dory." When dropping Nemo off at school, Nemo talks about how his dad took on three sharks during his grand adventure to track down his son. Marlin corrects him, saying it was actually four sharks. However, as anyone who's seen "Finding Nemo" can attest, there were only three sharks that were part of the meeting. It seems like an inconsistency only adults would notice in "Finding Dory," or maybe viewers would think Marlin was just trying to be boastful and make himself sound more impressive. The other idea is that Blenny is actually the fourth shark.

Blenny could be deadlier than any of the other sharks, to the point where he genuinely wants help. And while it seems like he swam away because he saw one of the sharks with fish bones in his teeth, it could've simply been a triggering moment where he would've felt compelled to eat Marlin, Dory, or any of the sharks. 

Then again, Marlin wouldn't really know Blenny is a shark. It's not like he was there to witness Blenny eating the anglerfish, so perhaps he wanted to make himself sound more impressive because there were technically four fish there, and that's close enough for him. But if "Finding Nemo 3" ever happens, Blenny would make for a killer antagonist.