Emily From Storage Wars Was Also On One Of America's #1 Shows

Many cast members have populated "Storage Wars" over the years. And a welcome breath of fresh air came in Season 10 when Emily Wears joined the proceedings. She stepped into a male-dominated realm, never having an issue holding her ground despite being a younger auctioneer than what most bidders are accustomed to. She remained a main cast member until Season 12, but it's far from the only reality show she's appeared on. Emily from "Storage Wars" may also be recognizable from her showing up on one of the most popular reality shows of all time — "American Idol."

She didn't make it past the audition stage, as the judges voted "No" for her moving on, but she did get a chance to merge the two worlds momentarily. A clip from her "American Idol" episode on YouTube shows her demonstrating her auctioneering skills by talking fast, immediately making an impression on the judges. She then starts to sing, which leaves something to be desired for the industry professionals. Judge Keith Urban tells her, "You're so photogenic, and your personality's really beautiful. But the pitch is drifting everywhere."

She chalks it up to nerves and sadly goes home that day. But she shouldn't feel too down on her luck, as she has a ton else going for her. 

Emily Wears carries on her passion for hosting auctions and making music

Emily Wears may not have become the next American Idol, which may be a good thing seeing how winning a contract isn't as lucrative as it used to be, and it's been a while since she's appeared on "Storage Wars." However, she's kept herself busy over the years and definitely has nothing to prove to anyone. Her most important duty seems to be related to being a wife and mother, as she regularly posts photos of herself with her two daughters on Instagram. Her profile also indicates she's living in Idaho these days, a far cry from the Los Angeles setting of "Storage Wars."

But she hasn't forgotten where she came from. Her website details all of her present endeavors, including a history of her auctioneering experience, which first earned her a role in the reality series "Money Barn." That led to her becoming a part of the "Storage Wars" family, and she's set up business in Idaho at the moment. She's also remained focused on her music, mostly performing locally, and she has another gig many people may not know about — leather art.

She has an online shop with leather boots for sale you can purchase if you're so inclined. Through all this, it's clear Emily from "Storage Wars" is a multitalented individual, and even if she's not on TV as much as she used to be, she's living her best life.