Invincible Season 2 Confirmed The Return Of A Dead Character But Many Missed It

There are many shared factors between Amazon Prime's two big superhero shows, "Invincible" and "The Boys." For instance, both are subversive, very adult, and have no shortage of shocking moments. When it comes to the upcoming second season of "Invincible," though, it's a small detail in the promotional art that might have fans really scratching their heads.

While the cast of characters on an extensive new cast poster from San Diego Comic-Con showed off a mixture of old and new faces, one stands out more than the others for a pretty big reason. Donald Ferguson (Chris Diamantopoulos) is seen sitting behind Cecil Stedman (Walton Goggins) and The Immortal (Ross Marquand), and fans of the first season of "Invincible" might take pause at seeing Donald back so soon.

This is because Donald was brutally murdered by Omni-Man (JK Simmons) in Season 1, Episode 7 ("We Need to Talk"). In the episode, he is caught surveilling Omni-Man's house, and the former hero reaches through his skin and grabs him by his spine before Donald sacrifices his life and sets off a powerful explosive in hopes of slowing Omni-Man down.

How did Donald Ferguson come back from the dead?

Despite how definitive this death seems to be in "Invincible," there would be no reason to include Donald on the poster if he wasn't in the second season. After all, there are plenty of notable characters from Season 1, like Damien Darkblood (Clancy Brown), who aren't featured on the poster.

With this in mind, the question remains: how is Donald Ferguson in Season 2? Of course, a cheap copout would be to feature him extensively in flashbacks, but since he's so far down the list in terms of the main characters of "Invincible," this seems to be pretty unlikely.

This leaves three possibilities. The first is magic, which does exist in the world of "Invincible," but would likely feel too cheap for viewers to accept as it's generally more of a background element. The other two, and more likely options, are cloning or cybernetics. Of course, there's also a chance that Donald has latent powers of his own, but again, this seems pretty unlikely.

Still, there's a final question to consider here as well. Why bring Donald back at all? If someone did it, it's definitely going to be Cecil, but why would he go to such great lengths to bring back his subordinate? Fans will likely have to wait until Season 2 of "Invincible" begins on November 3, 2023, if they hope to find out.