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From Season 2: What Happens To Boyd?

In the pilot episode of the horror drama "From," the unsuspecting Matthews family winds up in a small town they soon learn is a sort of supernatural purgatory that traps its inhabitants with little chance of escape. Boyd Stevens (Harold Perrineau) works as the town's sheriff, so he becomes tasked with helping to keep them — as he does with the rest of its residents — safe from its various dangers.

At the start of "Season 2, Boyd starts communicating with an entity in a dungeon named Martin (Robert Verlaque) who seems willing to help. While trying to aid Martin in return, he encounters a sinister music box before Martin suddenly cuts his arm. That cut leads Boyd to experience some worrying health issues including the presence of worms under his skin. Eventually, however, he figures out that those worms can help them kill the monsters that inhabit the forest surrounding the town. Meanwhile, he's haunted by visions of the music box and periodically hears the tune it plays accompanying horrific events.

In the "From" Season 2 finale, titled "Once Upon a Time?," Boyd accompanies Sara Myers (Avery Konrad) into the forest, attempting to replicate the process that brought him to Martin the first time. There, she hears the music box's distinct tune before she starts speaking for a sinister entity that inhabited Boyd and seems to have been responsible for all the strange happenings surrounding his character throughout the season.

Boyd makes a heroic stand in the From Season 2 finale

After returning to town, Boyd is accosted by a recent addition to its ranks named Reggie (Zach Faye). He's angry and wielding a shotgun. Boyd takes a shot to his shoulder but kills Reggie in response. Then he returns to the place where he met Martin and a vision of his dead wife Abby (Lisa Ryder) manifests alongside the music box. She claims that destroying the music box will only bring harm to the people he's trying to protect, but he doesn't take the spirit at its word and smashes the music box anyway, freeing a few of the town's residents who were being kept prisoner in the dungeon.

In an interview with Looper, Harold Perrineau shared that he felt uncomfortable at times playing Boyd, given that his character is perpetually insecure about the supernatural terrors haunting him. Nevertheless, he enjoyed rising to the challenge. "I felt as insecure as Boyd felt, so it was exciting to try to play that," he said. "It was exciting to be there for that," Perrineau said.

Plenty of questions still remain unanswered surrounding the mystery at the heart of "From." So, even though Boyd ends Season 2 with a win against a still largely mysterious supernatural entity, in all likelihood he's going to remain plagued by insecurities as the series continues.