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CSI Miami Star Evan Ellingson Dead At 35

Former "CSI: Miami" actor Evan Ellingson has died at the age of 35. TMZ was the first to break the news of Ellingson's passing. The outlet says that the former child actor died at his home in San Bernardino County, California on Sunday. Ellingson's father Michael told TMZ that his son was found at a sober-living home, and his death reportedly came as a shock to the family. Per People, the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department's coroner has determined that the death was caused by an unspecified accident. 

Born in Los Angeles in 1988, Ellingson entered the world of show business at a relatively young age. His first gig was in the 2001 TV movie "Living in Fear." Ellingson was 13 when he got the role. That same year, he had a small role in an episode of "General Hospital." Ellingson's career as a child actor continued to blossom, with a recurring role in the Fox sitcom "Titus." In addition to an appearance in the iconic sketch series "Mad TV," some of Ellingson's early highlights included a small role in the Fox series "Bones" and Clint Eastwood's war drama "Letters from Iwo Jima." 

By the time 2007 rolled around, Ellingson had a guest role in Season 6 of "24" as Jack Bauer's (Kiefer Sutherland) nephew, Josh. Shortly afterward, Ellingson found himself populating a role in Season 6 of another iconic crime series, "CSI: Miami." In the "CSI" spin-off, Ellingson started as Kyle Harmon, lending his talents for 18 episodes. 

CSI: Miami was one of Evan Ellingson's final roles

Ellingson continued to appear in "CSI: Miami" until Season 8. Harmon played a pivotal role in Season 6, appearing as the son of Horatio Cane (David Caruso) and Julia Winston (Elizabeth Berkley). A complicated character, Kyle continued to be a relevant part of Hoaratio's life, especially when he was sent to prison. Despite his stressful relationship with his father, Kyle tried his hardest to be a good son. With a dozen episodes as Harmon under his belt, Ellingson is fondly remembered for his "CSI: Miami" role. 

While speaking with The Philippine Star in 2009, Ellingson opened up about how impactful his "CSI: Miami" gig was, especially as a fan of the crime series. "I watched it religiously with my family. If you didn't watch it, you were the bad person of the week," Ellingson shared. The actor also discussed how playing Horatio's son afforded him a certain level of fame, with Ellingson recounting how people in public would stop him and acknowledge him for his "CSI: Miami" performance. 

In addition to starring in "CSI: Miami," Ellingson played a pivotal role in Cameron Diaz's heartbreaking 2009 drama "My Sister's Keeper." In the picture, Ellingson plays the son of Diaz's character, who is forced to reckon with a drastic decision made by her daughter (Abigail Breslin).