Spider-Man 2 Player Finds Spidey's Creepiest Movie Character - And It Gets Weird

As a franchise, Spider-Man may currently be bigger than ever before. Not only did previous Spideys Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire join Tom Holland for the wildly successful "Spider-Man: No Way Home," but the first two installments of Sony's "Spider-Verse" series have also been incredibly well-received by both fans and critics alike. Outside of the movies, Sony and Insomniac's "Spider-Man 2" also made a big splash for fans of everyone's favorite web-slingers. Letting players step into the skintight suits of not one but two webheads, the sequel is everything gamers wanted and more, even in an incredibly tight year for major game releases.

Still, there's a lot that fans can miss when they're swinging their way around New York. In fact, TikToker @kinogamingyt discovered plenty to parse out when he made an on-foot trek across the digital version of the Big Apple in "Spider-Man 2," including the most unsettling character in the whole Spider-Verse.

Many fans will be aware of the weird smiling kid who appears in the background of a few Spider-Verse movie scenes, and he can actually be found in "Spider-Man 2." Even stranger, he has a pretty bizarre reaction to Spidey if he gets too close. He fanboys all over Peter Parker and leaps into his arms for an incredibly awkward hug.

The smiling kid is something of an anomaly in the Spider-Verse

For those who didn't spot the smiling kid in either of the Spider-Verse movies, you needn't feel too bad. After all, there's a ton of stuff happening on the screen in those films. Still, once you see this classmate of Miles', you can't unsee him. He just stands there, grinning in an incredibly unsettling manner, like he's the Joker or some kind of horror movie villain waiting to strike.

As we've noted, this guy is a little too handsy and flashes that unsettling smile when you find him. But you can still track him down if you want to experience the weirdness for yourself. The nameless character is located in Brooklyn near Miles' high school, Brooklyn Visions Academy.

However, if you'd rather watch the events unfold in "Spider-Man 2" via proxy, you can skip to the 1:03 mark of the TikTok video above to see how wacky things get for the player. Either way, tiny additions like this show how much love and care went into the latest Spidey adventure, even if some players might find the whole interaction a bit uncomfortable.