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Elon Musk Movie In The Works - And You Won't Believe Who's Directing It

Thanks to an unlikely director, Elon Musk's life story is heading to the big screen.

A24 is on track to produce a biopic based on controversial businessman Elon Musk, with "Requiem for a Dream" helmsman Darren Aronofsky in tow to direct. Puck was the first to break the news. The biopic will be based on Walter Isaacson's recently released biography on the mogul, titled "Elon Musk." The authorized biography, which boasts over 670 pages and was published by Simon & Schuster, remains on The New York Times Best Sellers list. 

While Musk is undoubtedly a polarizing contemporary figure, he's also popular, which is why Variety says a bidding war broke out on the rights for Isaacson's latest. A24 nabbed the rights and handed the golden ticket over to Aronofsky. The studio and director previously collaborated last year for "The Whale," which features Brendan Fraser in a career-best performance — he won an Oscar for that film. Aronofsky stands out as one of the most interesting contemporary filmmakers; well-known for his gritty psychological dramas, it'll be interesting to see how he can bring Musk's complicated personality to life. 

Musk is pretty excited about the "Black Swan" director tackling his life story. The billionaire took to X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, which he purchased for a whopping $44 billion last year, to praise Aronofsky. "Glad Darren is doing it," he shared "He is one of the best."

Why Darren Aronofsky is the perfect choice for Elon Musk's biopic

Whether you like it or not, you just can't escape Elon Musk. He's the founder of SpaceX, one of the most prolific spacecraft manufacturers, having worked with NASA countless times for various contracts. Then there's his CEO position at Tesla, one of the leading electric vehicle manufacturers in the world. Musk even played a hand in the formation of the company we now know as PayPal. Of course, he also bought Twitter, a decision that is nothing short of contentious. Now called X, the platform continues to boast radical changes, mostly thanks to Musk's decisions. Beyond his business affairs, Musk's private life and political opinions continue to be the source of major scrutiny. Ultimately, Musk is one of the most controversial figures of our time, and it makes complete sense that Darren Aronofsky is tackling his biopic. 

The creative, who rose to prominence after debuting his chilling thriller "Pi" back in 1998, has proven time and time again that he's one of the most unnerving directors working today. Aronofsky's films brilliantly deconstruct the psychological happenings of troubled characters, with movies like "Black Swan" and "mother!" tackling heavy themes of isolation with unusual storytelling conventions. By no means is Aronofsky a gun-for-hire filmmaker, frequently choosing to march to the beat of his own drum.

With Aronofsky on board for the Elon Musk picture, it's fair to say that this won't be a run-of-the-mill biopic that pats the billionaire on the back for his various efforts. While Isaacson's biography mostly praises the mogul, it'll be interesting to see what angle Arofonsky tackes in dissecting Musk.